SOAPSToneGuiding QuestionsAnswer S- Speaker Who is telling this story? What is the view point is the document using? Thomas Paine is a patriotic male, rebel colonist, and a strong speaker. First Person O- Occasion When and where was this document created? What caused the document to be written? January 10, 1776 Thomas Paine wrote this while revolutionaries were trying to break free from the British. It occurred at the start of the Revolutionary War and the Intolerable Acts of King George caused Thomas Paine to write this. A- Audience Who is the document meant for? This pamphlet was meant for the people of the Continental Congress and for the people in power of the colonies P- Purpose What is the purpose or reason of the text? Why was it written? What for? His purpose is to convince the high power officials that they need to gain independence from British government for freedom. He titles is common sense to appeal to the logical side of this argument. S- Subject What is the topic of this document? Independence, government, liberty, representation, colonies, rebels, Britain, American freedom T- ToneWhat is the author’s attitude towards the subject/ content? The tone of this speech is powerful, judgmental, independent, and proud.