Measurement Scales 指導教授:洪新原 教授 603530042 張顥獻 603530044 蔡毓萍
Catalog The nature of attitude Selecting a measurement scale Rating scales Ranking scales Sorting Cumulative scales
Learning objective The nature of attitudes and their relationship to behavior. The critical decisions involved in selecting an appropriate measurement scale. The characteristics and use of rating, ranking, sorting, and other preference scales.
The scaling process
The nature of attitudes The relationship between Attitudes and Behavior Attitude scaling
The nature of attitudes What is attitude? Attitude is a learned stable predisposition to respond to oneself, other persons, object, or issues in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way.
The nature of attitudes Cognitive I think oatmeal is healthier than corn flakes for breakfast. Affective I hate corn flakes. Behavioral I intend to eat more oatmeal for breakfast. 7
The relationship between Attitudes and Behavior The attitude-behavior relationship is not straightforward, although there may be close linkage Attitudes don’t always lead to actual behaviors Sometimes behaviors can influence attitudes
Factors affect the attitude research Specific attitudes Strong attitudes Experiences Cognitive-based better than affective-based
Factors affect the attitude research Affective-based better predict consumption behaviors Multiple measurements across time and environments The influence of group and individual’s inclination
Attitude scaling Scaling Example Procedure for the assignment of numbers to a property of objects in order to impact some of the characteristics of numbers to the properties in question. Example Thermometer
Selecting a measurement scale Research objective Response types Data properties Number of dimensions Balanced or unbalanced Forced or unforced choices Number of scale points Rater errors
Research objectives Too numerous to list But here are two general types Measure characteristics of the participants Use participants as judges of the objects
Response types Rating scale Ranking scale Participants score an object without making a comparison to another object Ranking scale Constrain the participant to making comparisons and determining order among properties
Response types Categorization Sorting Participants put themselves or property indicants in group or categories Sorting Participants sort cards into piles using criteria established by the researcher
Data properties Nominal scale Ordinal scale Interval scale Ratio scale Classify data into categories Ordinal scale Show the relationships of more or less than Interval scale With the distance relationship Ratio scale Possess the above properties
Number of dimensions Unidimensional scale Multidimensional scale One seeks to measure only one attribute of the participants or objects Multidimensional scale Better describe an object with several dimensions than unidimensional scale
Balanced or unbalanced Balanced rating scale An equal number of categories above and below the midpoint Unbalanced rating scale An unequal number of favorable and unfavorable response choices Expect the mean rating will be near one side Avoid the error of leniency
How good an actress is Jennifer Lawrence? Balanced or unbalanced How good an actress is Jennifer Lawrence? Very bad Bad Neither good nor bad Good Very good Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent 19
Forced or Unforced choice Unforced-choice rating scale Provide participants with an opportunity to express no opinion Forced-choice rating scale Requires participants select one of the offered alternative May cause some error of the result
How good an actress is Jennifer Lawrence? Forced or Unforced choice How good an actress is Jennifer Lawrence? Very bad Bad Neither good nor bad Good Very good No opinion Very bad Bad Neither good nor bad Good Very good 21
Number of scale points What is the ideal number of points? A scale should be appropriate for its purpose Easy to make decision Simple scale The object is complex or important More scale points
Number of scale points The reliability increases if the number of scale points increases Much more number of scale points may produce more valid results To extract more variance Produce accuracy when using Unidimensional scale The cultural practices may condition participants to a standard metric
Rater errors Error of central tendency Error of leniency Some raters reluctant to give extreme judgments Error of leniency
Rater errors To address the tendencies Adjust the strength of descriptive adjectives Space the intermediate descriptive phrases farther apart Provide smaller differences in meaning between the steps near the ends of the scale than between the steps near the center Use more points in the scale
Rater errors Halo effect To avoid halo effect A systematic bias that the rater introduces by carrying over a generalized impression of the subject from one rating to another To avoid halo effect Participant rate one trait at a time Revealing one trait per page Reverse anchors periodically
Rating Scales Simple attitude scale Likert scales Semantic differential scales Numerical scales Multiple rating list scales Stapel scales Constant-sum scales Graphic rating scales
Simple Attitude Scale The simple category scale(also called a dichotomous scale) offers two mutually exclusive response choice. I plan to purchase a MindWriter laptop in the next 12 months. Yes No 簡單態度量表 28
Simple Attitude Scale When there are multiple options for the rater but only one answer is sought, the multiple-choice, single-response scale is appropriate. What newspaper do you read most often for financial news? East City Gazette West City Tribune Regional newspaper National newspaper Other (specify:_________) 多重選項單選式量表 29
Simple Attitude Scale The multiple-choice, multiple-response scale(also called a checklist), allows the rater to select one or several alternatives. Check any of the sources you consulted when designing your new home. Online planning services Magazines Independent contractor/builder Designer Architect Other (specify:_______) 多重選項複選式量表 30
Likert scale The Likert scale, is the most frequently used variation of the summated rating scale. The participant is asked to agree or disagree with each statement. Each response is given a numerical score to reflect its degree of attitudinal favorableness. 李克特量表 加總評等量表 31
Likert scale A large number of statements were collected that met two criteria Each statement was relevant to the attitude being studied. Each was believed to reflect a favorable or unfavorable position on that attitude. The Internet is superior to traditional libraries for comprehensive searches. Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree 32
Likert scale The two extreme groups represent people with the most favorable and least favorable attitudes toward the attitude being studied. Item analysis: It involves calculating the mean scores for each scale item among the low scores and high scorers. The mean scores for the high-score and low-score groups are then tested for statistical significance by computing t values. 兩個極端族群代表非常贊同與非常反對的兩種人。對這兩個極端必須進行個別項目的評估。 項目分析評估各項目是否能有效鑑別高分者與低分者。計算各項目高分者與低分者的平均分數,然後以t值來檢其統計顯著性。 算出每項敘述的t值後,將其排序並找出t值最高的敘述句,挑選前20~25個最高t值的項目,納入最後的量表之中。 33
Semantic differential scale Semantic differential scale measures the psychological meanings of an attitude object using bipolar adjectives. 語意差別量表 34
Semantic differential scale Osgood and his associates produced a list of 289 bipolar adjective pairs, which were reduced to 76pairs and formed into rating scales for attitude research. There factors contributed most to meaningful judgments by participants: Evaluation (E) Potency (P) Activity (A)
Result of the thesaurus study Evaluation (E) Potency (P) Activity (A) good—bad Hard—soft Active—passive Positive—negative Strong—weak Fast—slow Optimistic—pessimistic Heavy—light Hot—cold Complete—incomplete Masculine—feminine Excitable--calm Time—untimely Severe—lenient Tenacious—yielding
Semantic differential scale Steps in constructing an SD scale Step1 Select the concepts Nouns, noun phrases, or nonverbal stimuli such as visual sketches . Concepts are chosen by judgment and reflect the nature of the investigative question. Step2 Select bipolar word pairs or phrase pairs Select bipolar word pairs or phrase pairs appropriate to your needs. Step3 : Create the scoring system Assign a weight to each point on the scale. Most SD scales have 7 points:7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Step4 Adjective pairs are randomly reversed as with Likert scales, about half of the adjective pairs are randomly reversed to minimize the halo effect.
About step2….. If the traditional Osgood adjectives are used, several criteria guide your selection: Three bipolar pairs are required when using evaluation, potency, and activity. Scores on these individual items can be averaged, by factor, to improve their reliability. The scale should be relevant to the concepts being judged. Scales should be stable across raters and concepts. Scale should be linear between polar opposites and pass through the origin.
Semantic differential scale SD Scale for Analyzing industry Association Candidates 左排的字母代表相關的態度構面,不會顯示在實際量表內,數字部分會顯現出來。 請注意評價、力量與行動三類尺度都混在一起了。 在分析結果時,要算出評價(E)分數的平均值,而力量(P)與行動(A)構面亦然。 39
Semantic differential scale The data are plotted in a “snake diagram” 資料被畫在圖表的蛇形圖上,此處重新排序評價、力量與行動三類形容詞組,同類者放在一起,量表左側反映理想的因素。 40
Numerical Scale Numerical Scale have equal intervals that separate their numeric scale points. Numerical scales are often 5-point scales. The participants write a number from the scale next to each item. 數值量表 41
Multiple Rating List Scale It is similar to the numerical scale but differs in two ways: It accepts a circled response from the rater. The layout facilitates visualization of the results. 多元評等清單量表 “Please indicate how important or unimportant each service characteristic is:” IMPORTANT UNIMPORTANT Fast, reliable repair 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Service at my location 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Maintenance by manufacturer 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Knowledgeable technicians 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Notification of upgrades 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Service contract after warranty 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 42
Stapel Scales Stapel scales is used as an alternative to the semantic differential, especially when it is difficult to find bipolar adjectives that match the investigative question. 受測者選出一個數字來描述態度主題的特性「若描述愈正確,正值愈大;同樣地,當描述愈不正確,就選擇愈大的負值。 43
Constant-sum scale A scale that helps the researcher discover proportions is the constant-sum scale. The participant allocates point to more than one attribute or property indicant, such that they total a constant sum, usually 100 or 10. You have 100 points to distribute among the following characteristics of the Dallas Steakhouse Indicate the relative importance of each attribute: ____Food Quality ____Atmosphere ____Service ____Price 100 TOTAL
Graphic Rating Scales it was originally created to enable researchers to discern fine differences. They are instructed to mark their response at any point along a continuum. Usually, the score is a measure of length from either endpoint. Never X Always
Ranking Scales Paired-comparison scale Forced ranking scale Comparative scale
Paired-Comparison Scale paired-comparison scale, the participant can express attitudes unambiguously by choosing between two objects. The number of judgments required in a paired comparison is [(n)(n-1)/2], where n is the number of stimuli or objects to be judged.
Forced Ranking Scale It lists attributes that are ranked relative to each other. This method is faster than paired comparisons and is usually easier and more motivating to the participant.
Comparative scale This calls for a standard by which other programs, processes, brands, point-of –sale promotions, or people can be compared. 49
Sorting Q-sorts
Q-sort Q-sorts require sorting of a deck of cards into piles that represent points along a continuum. The participant groups the cards based on his response to the concept written on the card. 最左邊的一堆代表對其概念陳述是「非常有價值」、「贊同」、「同意」之類 最右邊一堆則代表最不贊同的卡片。 分類的目的是取得受測者對態度主體表達出的態度概念,並比較受測者之間的關係。 此項技術可用在描述產品、服務、行為意圖以及許多其他的應用 51
Cumulative Scales Total scores on cumulative scales have the same meaning. Given a person’s total score, it is possible to estimate which items were answered positively and negatively.
* X = agree; __ = disagree. Cumulative Scales Scalogram analysis is a procedure for determining whether a set of items forms a unidimensional scale. Item Participant Score 2 4 1 3 X __ * X = agree; __ = disagree. 所謂「單一構面」是指受訪者對項目所反應的態度,均集中在某一方向上 在量表圖中,項目從左到右,代表從最極端到最不極端。 若每同意一項會得一分,則總分四分代表同意所有陳述,也是最贊同的態度。 得三分者應該是不同意第二項,但同意其他三項,依此類推。 根據量表圖理論,這種型態證實可以測量所有的內容。 53
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