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Presentation transcript:



WHY A RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM? Dear, Baltimorean, – Our City is one of this country’s oldest urban areas and has a rich history. To understand where we are today and where we are going it is important to understand our past. William Donald Schafer, Mayor 1981

WHY A RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM? R ecords created or received by the City Government in the course of official business are the property of the City Government.

WHY A RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM? T here was no controlling authority concerning the records generated or received by the City Government T he life cycle of these records was left up to individuals in a department. T here was no standard for the destruction of these records.

WHY A RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM? O ften records that did survive were stored in locations such as closets, attics, basements and any other space not otherwise needed. S torage in these spaces was not conducive to the survival of the paper records and could eventually pose a health risk or fire hazard to personnel working around these areas. L ittle or no thought was given to locating a record once it went into storage.

ESTABLISHMENT OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM During the 1930s the Works Progress Program, or WPA did a comprehensive survey of the historical records of the Baltimore City Government. An alphabetized index of the names that appeared in those records was created and exists today at the BCA.

ESTABLISHMENT OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT PORGRAM In the 1950s an attempt was made to organize the records received or generated by the City Government. The Director of Legislative Reference was given the job of creating retention schedules which would cover those records. These retention schedules would establish the life cycle of individual records. As time went on it became apparent that more needed to be done in this area.

ESTABLISHMENT OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM In 1966 Article 1 Section 11 of the City Code established a Records Management Program. Subsections 5 and 6 established the Archives and Records Management Office under the Department of Legislative Reference. The position of City Archivist and Records Management Officer was also established.

ESTABLISHEMENT OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The duties and responsibilities of the Archives and Records Management Office as well as the duties and responsibilities of EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS were also established by Article 1, Section 11.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF ARCHIVES AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICE General The City Archivist and Records Management Officer shall have primary responsibility for the development and administration of a continuing records management and archival program for the records of the several executive departments, and shall perform, including but not limited to the following functions in connection with the records activity of the executive departments.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICE Standards Establish standards, issue instructions and render advice and assistance in the preparation of records retention schedules and the preservation of records. Retention Schedules Prepare record retention schedules covering the retention of records common to the more than one department. Consultation Consult with and advise the departments.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICE Inspection: Inspect records and records management practices of all the executive departments. Organize: Organize and administer a records storage center or centers for the City’s inactive and historical records and operate an imaging services program.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICE Reports: Require such reports as he/she shall deem necessary from the various executive departments regarding their records management programs. Assist: Assist department heads in training files and records personnel

RESPONSIBILITIES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Review records retention schedules submitted by the heads of the departments, obtain the opinion of any other City Officer deemed officially concerned, and submit all such record retention schedules to the Acting City Archivist with a recommendation for action. Review all proposals to scan records, whether or not the ultimate destruction of the original record is involved.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF DEPARTMENTS Required Program It shall be the responsibility of each executive department of the City to develop a continuing program for the economical and efficient management of its records, complying with the instructions and directives issued by the City Archivist and Records management Officer with respect to the retention, disposal, storage photographing and scanning of its records. Agency Liaison An employee of each department shall be designated to develop and carry out a records management program and to provide liaison with the City Records Management Officer.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF DEPARTMENTS Retention Schedules It shall be the duty of each department to prepare records retention schedules to assure the orderly retention of records required for the operation of the department, as well as the prompt disposal of records having no further value. Such schedules shall be prepared and submitted to the Records Management Officer in the manner prescribed and will become effective when approved.

DISPOSAL OF RECORDS In General Records created or received by the City Government in the course of official business are the property of the City Government and shall not be destroyed, sold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of except In a manner prescribed by ordinance or by approved record retention schedules. When records are disposed of, the department shall submit to the Records Management Officer a certificate of disposal listing the records and certifying to their disposal.

DISPOSAL OF RECORDS Methods of Disposal Currently there are only two accepted methods of disposal. Shredding:must Shredding: This method must be used for records that contain personal information such as SS numbers etc. and records that are covered by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Recycling: Recycling: All other documents not covered by the above restrictions may be sold to companies that recycle paper.