Type 6 Collaborating with the Community §Based on the work of Joyce Epstein, Johns Hopkins University Baltimore Maryland §PowerPoint presentation by Parents Plus Inc.
Collaborating with the Community Type 6 §Coordinate resources and services from the community for families, students, and the school. §Provide services to the community.
Sample Practices Type 6 §Information for students and families on community health, cultural, recreational, social support, and other programs or services. §Information on community activities that link learning skills and talents, including summer programs for students.
Sample Practices Type 6 §“One-stop” shopping for family services through partnerships of school, counseling, health, recreation, job training, and other agencies. §Services to the community by students families, and schools (e.g., recycling projects; art, music, drama, and activities for senior citizens; tutoring or coaching programs).
Sample Practices Type 6 §Participation of alumni in school programs for students. §School-business partnerships.
Challenges Type 6 §Solve turf problems of roles, responsibilities, funds and places for collaborative activities. §Inform all families and students about community programs and services.
Challenges Type 6 §Assure equal opportunities for students and families to obtain services or participate in community programs. §Match business and community volunteers and resources with school goals.
Redefine “community” Type 6 “Community” means not only the neighborhoods where students’ homes and schools are located, but also all neighborhoods or locations that influence their learning and development.
Redefine “community” Type 6 §“Community” is rated not only by low or high social or economic qualities, but also by strengths and talents available to support students, families, and schools. §“Community” includes not only families with children in the schools, but also all who are interested in and affected by the quality of education.
Skills and talents form enriched curricular and extracurricular experiences. Knowledge and exploration of careers and options for future education and work. Self-confidence and feeling value and belonging In the community. Positive relationships with adults in the community Knowledge and use of local resources to increase skills and talents or to obtain needed services. Interactions with other families in community activities. Awareness of community’s contributions to the school. Participation in activities to strengthen the community. Knowledge and use of community resources to enrich curriculum and instruction Skill working with mentors, business partners, community volunteers, and others to assist students and teaching practice. Knowledge of referral processes for families and children with needs for specific services. Results for Students:Results for Parents:Results for Teachers: