Looking at the AP Exam Testing Strategies
Multiple Choice Strategies Don’t be afraid to write in the test booklet Only the answer sheet will be graded Make notes Circle the (entire) questions you skip Cross out eliminated answers Mark-up the graphs Do whatever it takes to get the correct answer
Don’t think too hard There are easy questions and there are hard questions Don’t over analyze the simple ones If it looks easy….it probably is easy Don’t assume “trick questions”
Pace Yourself… “60 in 45” Don’t spend too much time on a question Skip and come back later Finding wrong answers important No magic arrangement “random” Don’t waste time going over difficult questions You may do three instead of one!!!
Take Educated Guesses Don’t “randomly guess” No points deducted for blanks No points given for blanks either Guess on the ones that you have narrowed down….
Read the Questions Carefully Look for Key Phrases “Not”…and “except” are false Mark each answer “T” or “F” Look for Key Vocabulary Words Read answers of graph questions first “Roman Numerals” – “T” or “F”
Look closely at the answers On the Hard Questions There are Clues sometimes Fit words and phrases together Knowing the wrong answers is as important as knowing the right ones Keep a handle on the time Don’t be overly concerned if you don’t finish
STRATEGIES FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. There is no longer a guessing Penalty – There are five possible answers for each question. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Answer all questions with an educated guess if necessary.
STRATEGIES FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Read the question carefully. DO NOT SKIM…READ. CAREFUL READING IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT IN EXCEPT QUESTIONS. Eliminate any answer you know is wrong. Read all of the possible answers, then chose the most accurate response (There may be an answer that is more SPECIFIC.)
STRATEGIES FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Avoid “absolute responses” – These include “always,” and “never.” Mark and skip tough questions. Remember SKIP ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET AS WELL.
TYPES OF MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS CLASSIC / BEST ANSWER *This is the most common type. It simply requires you to read the question and select the MOST CORRECT answer. EXCEPT QUESTIONS *All answers are correct except one. Turn them into true or false statements. The false statement is the answer.
STRATEGIES FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS LIST AND GROUP QUESTIONS In this type of question, there is a list of possible answers, and you will select the answer that contains the correct group of responses. These questions look hard, but you can simplify them by crossing out items from the list and then eliminating them in the answers below.
STRATEGIES FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS CHART / GRAPH QUESTIONS These questions require you to examine the data on a chart or graph. These are usually not difficult but spending too much time on them can slow you down. Read the question FIRST and all of the possible answers so that you know what you are looking for. Before you look at the chart, you may be able to eliminate some obviously incorrect responses.
STRATEGIES FOR MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS POLITICAL CARTOON QUESTIONS These questions require you to interpret a political cartoon. Every political cartoon contains symbolism and a point of view. Examine the cartoon BEFORE you read the question and possible responses to determine what each part of the drawing represents and to identify the artist’s viewpoint.
Looking at the “Free Response” Four in One-hundred – 25 Minutes Each Read Each Question before writing Underline key terms phrases Write your strongest answer First You do not have to answer them in order Briefly outline each question Jot down all appropriate terminology
Analyze the Question How many parts…usually more than one If it ask for one, or two….and you have time…do them all! Look at the graph, table, or cartoon Try to get a handle on the question Do what the questions ask…
Pay Attention to directions Explain…always have a “why” or a “how” Why = “because” How = “by” Discuss…three valid points “pros and cons” Describe…three valid points Define or identify – be complete Compare and contrast…”similarities/differences” “close-the-loop”
Other Key Points Answer each part separately A. (1) (2) B. (1) (2) Skip a line between each paragraph Write clearly and succinctly Use Black (preferable) or Blue Ink NEVER USE A PENCIL
Key Points….continued Try Every Question No Effort (dash) Pace yourself….don’t get long winded Don’t use slang or colloquialisms Don’t name-drop or data-drop DRIP – “data rich…information poor” Be careful of number, ratios, percentages Don’t cite authors or books
BIG POINT Don’t editorialize….the Readers DO NOT care what you think….they want to see what you know….avoid political bias, prejudices, political pontification…
Format Five Paragraph Essay not necessary If you feel comfortable go ahead Clearly written paragraphs with appropriate vocabulary Don’t embellish….it is not necessary Once again…follow the format
Other Formatting No points will be deducted for misspelled words, comma splices, punctuation, or other grammar mistakes “I think there should be!” Penmanship is crucial….especially if you know the material
2012 INSTRUCTIONS BGHS 1. Bring a black or blue pen for the test and number 2 pencil. 2. If you bring your cell phone, it will be collected during the test. 3. If you are taking an afternoon test (AP Comparative), you will not be dismissed until after school is out. 4. You MUST be in the arena no later than 7:45 am.
LAST MINUTE STUDY A last minute CRAM for the EXAM will be uSTREAMED Monday night 6 PM - 10 PM CST. Students can watch from digital devices and chat questions. AP Teachers will be on to answer those questions LIVE. Here are the links and channels: http://ustream.tv
LAST MINUTE STUDY Search for the channel CitizenYou (6-8 PM, 9-10 PM) or between 8-9 PM CST go directly to: www.politico.com/politicoprep Alert your students. 4 hours of first rate review LIVE and right before their AP Exam. All the best from the AP Government team at Adlai E. Stevenson High School; Lincolnshire, IL.