The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Sharpen the Saw Synergize Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Think Win-Win Put First Things First Begin with the End in Mind Be Proactive
FOUR key dimensions of life Heart – The Emotional Dimension Body – The Physical Dimension Brain – The Mental Dimension Soul – The Spiritual Dimension
Brain The Mental Dimension: Learn new skills Read Write
Mental Barriers Screentime Screentime The Nerd Syndrome The Nerd Syndrome Pressure Pressure
Screentime Screentime is any time spent in front of a screen, TV, computer, video game, or even smartphone. Screentime is any time spent in front of a screen, TV, computer, video game, or even smartphone.
Screentime Guess how much time, on average, a teenager spent on computer per week? Guess how much time, on average, a teenager spent on computer per week?
Screentime Guess how much time, on average, a teenager spent on computer per week? 15 hours Guess how much time, on average, a teenager spent on computer per week? 15 hours
Internet Addiction Test (IAT) by Dr. Kimberly Young Internet Addiction Test (IAT) by Dr. Kimberly Young 1. How often do you find that you stay on-line longer than you intended? 2. How often do you neglect household chores to spend more time on-line?
Internet Addiction Test (IAT) Internet Addiction Test (IAT) 3. How often do you prefer the excitement of the Internet to intimacy with your partner? 4. How often do you form new relationships with fellow on-line users?
Internet Addiction Test (IAT) Internet Addiction Test (IAT) 5. How often do others in your life complain to you about the amount of time you spend on-line? 6. How often do your grades or school work suffers because of the amount of time you spend on-line?
Internet Addiction Test (IAT) Internet Addiction Test (IAT) 7. How often do you check your before something else that you need to do? 8. How often does your job performance or productivity suffer because of the Internet?
Smartphone Addiction The symptoms – Feeling anxious whenever you do not have your phone in your physical possession. Feeling anxious whenever you do not have your phone in your physical possession. Constantly checking the phone for new texts, coupled with the compulsion to respond immediately. Constantly checking the phone for new texts, coupled with the compulsion to respond immediately.
Smartphone Addiction Did you feel that? Your phone just vibrated, and you felt it. Yet looking at the phone, you realize it's a false alarm. Phantom cellphone vibration syndrome is real, and it's a symptom of addiction. Did you feel that? Your phone just vibrated, and you felt it. Yet looking at the phone, you realize it's a false alarm. Phantom cellphone vibration syndrome is real, and it's a symptom of addiction.Phantom cellphone vibration syndromePhantom cellphone vibration syndrome
Smartphone Addiction You're not listening. In fact, you have no idea what the person in front of you is talking about. Why? Because you keep checking your Facebook page, tweets and texts. You're not listening. In fact, you have no idea what the person in front of you is talking about. Why? Because you keep checking your Facebook page, tweets and texts.
Smartphone Addiction Failing in School. Poor grades can often be blamed on using the smartphone in classes. Failing in School. Poor grades can often be blamed on using the smartphone in classes.blamed on using the smartphoneblamed on using the smartphone
Smartphone Addiction The symptoms – Running to the store for 30 minutes and halfway there you realize you forgot your phone and you MUST turn around to get it. Running to the store for 30 minutes and halfway there you realize you forgot your phone and you MUST turn around to get it.
Marc Maron: The Social Media Generation Animated
The Nerd Syndrome Some teens don’t want to do too well in school because they think they cannot develop friendship when they are too outstanding. Some teens don’t want to do too well in school because they think they cannot develop friendship when they are too outstanding. They are afraid people may label them ‘Nerds’ They are afraid people may label them ‘Nerds’
The Nerd Syndrome Take pride in your mental abilities and the fact that you value education Take pride in your mental abilities and the fact that you value education
Will you consider them nerds?
Pressure Sometimes we are scared of doing well in school because of the high expectations it creates. The stress that results from success is much more tolerable than the regret that results from not trying your best. The stress that results from success is much more tolerable than the regret that results from not trying your best.
Try your best and No regret
Colossians 歌羅西書 3:23 Whatever you do, do it readily, as to the Lord and not to men. Whatever you do, do it readily, as to the Lord and not to men. 無 論 作 甚 麼 , 都 要 從 心 裡 作 , 像 是 給 主 作 的 , 不 是 給 人 作 的 。 無 論 作 甚 麼 , 都 要 從 心 裡 作 , 像 是 給 主 作 的 , 不 是 給 人 作 的 。
Reading is the best exercise By Walter Anderson, a successful editor and author of four books By Walter Anderson, a successful editor and author of four books
Reflection Share a good book that you recently read to your teacher.