Computer Program Service Progress Report for 2008 Juan Manuel Galán 18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee
Paris, June Dispatches YearPrograms Integral Experiments Total % Integral Experiments
3 18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June 2009
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Dispatches of Integral Experiments by type Total 3784
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Dispatches of computer codes by topic Total 2133
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Distribution of Packages by Requester Profile Total 5917
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Computer Codes Acquired in 2008 by topic
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Radiation Transport Handbook Prof. B.D. Ganapol
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Legacy books Theodore Rockwell III: Reactor Shielding Design Manual “Water Has No Cracks”, 1956, copyright removed. Proceedings of the First Radiation Shielding Symposium (ICRS1), Cambridge, UK 1958 prepared by NEADB with the help of FZK. N. M. Schaeffer, Editor: Reactor Shielding for Nuclear Engineers, TID-25951, 1973(1981) released by the author for the 50th anniversary of the first radiations shielding symposium. Proceedings of the PHYSOR'90 conference: Physics of Reactors, Operation, Design and Computation, Marseille, the first in this series. NEA-1811/01 JDL-IMPORTANCE, Importance: The Adjoint Function: The Physical Basis of Variational and Perturbation Theory in Transport and Diffusion Problems, North-Holland Publishing Company - Amsterdam, 582 pages, NEA-1843/01 JDL-REACTOR-KINETICS, Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Control, Pergamon Press, London, 275 pages, NEA-1844/01 JDL-THERMODYNAMICS, Thermodynamics: Frontiers and Foundations, New book 2009, electronic publishing. This latter book is new and is available at no cost to students and researchers. The Slowing Down and Thermalization of Neutrons, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Mathematical Methods in Particle Transport Theory, Butterworths, London, Random Processes in Nuclear Reactors, Pergamon Press Oxford, 1974.
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Courses and workshops Course on DIREKT - OECD/NEA Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, January Course on “Analytical Benchmarks: Case Studies in Neutron Transport Theory”, OECD/NEA Issy- les-Moulineaux, France, 30 January-1 February Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Training Course using SCALE TSUNAMI Syllabus, OECD/NEA Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, February Monte Carlo computer code TRIPOLI-4 held at OECD/NEA Headquarters. OECD/NEA Issy-les- Moulineaux, France, 7-11 April Joint introductory/intermediate MCNP/MCNPX training course, ITN, Sacavem, Lisbon Portugal, May GEANT4 workshop organised at ORNL by the Radiation Shielding Information Computational Center (RSICC) in co-operation with the NEA Data Bank, May 2008 REFIT-2007 Training course, EC-JRC-IRMM, Geel, Belgium, 2-6 June Training course on PENELOPE-2008, Barcelona, Spain, 30 June-3 July Training Course on FLUKA, OECD/NEA Data Bank, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 29 September-3 October Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Training Course using SCALE TSUNAMI, KFKI Budapest, Hungary, October Joint introductory/intermediate MCNP/MCNPX training course, GRS, Garching, Germany, October Workshop on “Processing Tools for Evaluated Nuclear Data”. OECD/NEA Data Bank, Issy-les- Moulineaux, 18 November JEFF meeting. OECD/NEA Data Bank, Issy-les-Moulineaux, November NJOY user group meeting. OECD/NEA Data Bank, Issy-les-Moulineaux, 21 November 2008.
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Workshop on New Generation of Computer Codes in Nuclear Engineering - NCNE
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering May 8 to 12, 2011 – Ro de Janeiro - Brazil
18 th Meeting of the Executive Group of the Data Bank Management Committee Paris, June Thank you for your attention.