Islamic Studies Courses in Chabot, Ohlone, Mission and De Anza Colleges Position of Islam regarding Jihad, Aggressive Wars, Terrorism, Destruction of buildings.


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Presentation transcript:

Islamic Studies Courses in Chabot, Ohlone, Mission and De Anza Colleges Position of Islam regarding Jihad, Aggressive Wars, Terrorism, Destruction of buildings or any human assets, Violence, and Killing of Innocent people, Committing Suicide, or Suicide Bombing, Danish Cartoon and Freedom of Expression Designed and Taught By Hafiz M. K. Siddiqi, Ph.D.

Peace is fundamental and basic to life in Islam and war comes only as a matter of necessity, when there is no other way or alternative course of action. Islam came to provide to the Humanity peace in the real sense of the word Islam: a peace that is based on justice, equality, freedom, liberty, freedom of choice, protection of rights of all, non-Muslims and Muslims. Allah swt says in the Holy Qur’an: There has come to you, from God a light and

The Book, wherewith God guides all who seek His pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leads them out of the depths of darkness (and Ignorance) into the light of His grace (and knowledge) and guides them towards the Right Way. 5/17-18 The Right Way in this verse means the balanced way, a way of moderation, a way that is free from extremism, fanaticism, and racism, A way that is designed by the One who created Man, and the universe for his service.

A way that addresses all complexities of human personality in its multiple roles as regard to God and His creations in this universe. A way which can be best designed by the One who is unlimited in His knowledge and wisdom. He is Allah, a designer of universe, and maker of human as His representative in it, is the only One who can guide the humankind to a system of life which He authored for them. Because He knows us and our needs, more than we know ourselves and what is good for us.

The divine system leads us to use equitably the natural resources, explore individually and collectively the God given universe, and make it a beneficial place for ourselves, our coming Generations, for the rest of humanity, and other creatures of Allah swt. Allah is the source of peace and perfection and whoever turns to Him for His guidance is blessed with peace, happiness and perfection. This is the meaning of the word “ASSALAM” in 59/23

The Pagans of Makkah not only opposed Islam but became enemies of Islam and stopped the Prophet pbuh, from calling other people to the divine path of peace and happiness. They abused, tortured and hurt the Prophet and his followers. To all their harsh and wrongful treatment, Prophet’s answer was “peace” be on you. 43/89 Islam has great respect for life in general and human life in particular, and has done everything to Save and rotect all living beings. Please read: 6/151, 25/68, 5/32,17/31, 33, 4/75-76

The mission of prophet Muhammad pbuh continued for a period of 23 years, 13 years in Makkah and 10 years in Madinah. Muslims were not allowed to fight even in self defense when they were the victims of the aggression of pagans of Makkah on a daily basis. They were punished, injured, killed, their properties were seized, they were thrown out In the Arabian heat of sand desert, of their homes for a period of 3 long years by the pagans’ leaders who decided to boycott them.

The Prophet pbuh and the Muslims were kicked out of Makkah after 13 years. They were constantly fought for believing in One God even after the migration to Madinah, in the 14 th and 15 th years. In 15 th year after the migration, the pagans of Makkah had stolen the properties, jewelry, valuable Furniture, gold, silver, rugs, carpets, and any thing of any value, to prepare a trade caravan to sell them in Syria, and with that money, finance a war to eliminate the Muslim community in Madinah.

That was the time when Muslims were given the First time, permission to fight the pagans, in self- defense. Before we cite the verses of the Holy Qur’an regarding the war in self-defense, let us first understand the actual meaning of Jihad and its importance in Islam. The word Jihad is presented in the western media with a distorted Meaning, as holy war. Jihad is a struggle which covers every single Aspect of human life, material and spiritual, internal and external, peace time and war time.

Jihad could be any kind of struggle: Struggle to achieve success, reach excellence in establishing justice for all. Struggle to earn and spend your good money to help others. Every aspect of human life requires struggle. So Jihad covers all aspects of our life and does not exclude war even if you hate to fight, war may be imposed on you by A country more powerful than your own or by an Enemy who would like to capture your natural Resources etc.

The historical records confirm that humanity has suffered from local, civil, and global wars, from the beginning till now. As long as there exist in this world: injustice, oppression, capricious ambitions, and arbitrary claims, war is a necessity of existence. Please take a Guess about the number of people killed in two world wars, and other wars within last century or so.

It is also a fact that victorious allies settle their Disputes over their gains and the status of their defeated enemies through wars and threats of War. Even today humanity lives under constant fear in many parts of the world, where the human life is destroyed on a daily basis, as we speak. UN resolutions are passed and ignored by small and big super powers, aggressive and pre- emptive wars continue to be a reality of even 21 st century.

The Holy Qur’an has recognized the right of Self defense as a lawful and justifiable course to restore justice, peace and freedom. In Islam fighting is allowed only in self defense: “ Verily God will defend those who believe, verily God loves not any that is a traitor to faith or shows ingratitude. To those against whom war is made, permission is granted to fight because they are wronged, and verily Allah is most powerful for their aid

They are those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right (for no cause) except that they say: Our Lord is God. 22/ Fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! Allah loves not aggressors. And slay them wherever you find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter.

And fight not with them at the sacred And fight not with them at the sacred Mosque until they first attack you, but if they fight you then slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. But if they desist, then Lo! Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until persecution is no more, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah. But if they cease, let

There be no hostility except to Those who practice oppression. 2/ Please refer to: 2/178, 2/216, 251, 256, 22/38-41, 78, 25/68-69, 5/32, 4/94, 53/39-41, 4/29, 2/195, 6/151,

Kinds of Jihad: 1. Al-Jihad Al-Ta’leemi: A. By speech B. By pen. A. By speech B. By pen. 2. Jihad An-Nafs. A. With ego B. With life 3. Al-Jihad Bil-Maal: A. Direct B. Indirect Al-Jihadul-’Asghar and AlJihadul-Akbar. Story of Muhlim Ibn Juthamah and ‘Amir Ibn Al-Adbat: 4/94 Story of Muhlim Ibn Juthamah and ‘Amir Ibn Al-Adbat: 4/94 Story of Thumamah Ibn Al-Aasal Story of Thumamah Ibn Al-Aasal Was Islam spread at the point of sword or by the powerful message of the Holy Qur’an? Was Islam spread at the point of sword or by the powerful message of the Holy Qur’an?

The clear message of Qur’an “no compulsion” in Religion. 2/256, 10/99, 17/15, 18/29, 16/125, The clear message of Qur’an “no compulsion” in Religion. 2/256, 10/99, 17/15, 18/29, 16/125, 29/46 29/46 Committing suicide, suicide bombing: 2/195, 4/29 Committing suicide, suicide bombing: 2/195, 4/29 Innocents’ Killings: 5/32, 6/151, 17/33 Innocents’ Killings: 5/32, 6/151, 17/33 Danish cartoon and freedom of expression: 4/114, 23/3, 6/108, 104/1, 25/63, 28/55, 42/48 Danish cartoon and freedom of expression: 4/114, 23/3, 6/108, 104/1, 25/63, 28/55, 42/48 Etiquettes of war and rules of engagement Etiquettes of war and rules of engagement