Serving on a Regulatory Board Versus a Professional Organization Board…the Perspective of a Nurse In Clinical Practice By Randall Hudspeth, MS, APRN-CNS/NP, FRE Deputy CNO, Saint Alphonsus RMC Vice Chairman, Idaho Board of Nursing
Are Boards of Nursing the only nursing entities that care about the needs and interests of the public?
Organizational Missions Boards of Nursing The Mission of the Board of Nursing is to regulate nursing practice and education for the purpose of safeguarding the public health, safety and welfare. American Association of Nurse Executives AONE To represent nurse leaders who improve health care. AONE members are leaders in collaboration and catalysts for innovation. To represent nurse leaders who improve health care. AONE members are leaders in collaboration and catalysts for innovation.
Organizational Missions American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Promote excellence in NP practice, education and research; Shape the future of healthcare through advancing health policy; Serve as the source of information for NPs, the healthcare community and consumers; Build a positive image of the NP role as a leader in the national and global healthcare community. National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Promote the contribution of Clinical Nurse Specialists to safe, quality, cost-effective health care outcomes. Increase national visibility and influence of CNSs. Promote the growth and development of NACNS. Provide a national forum for Clinical Nurse Specialists Establish NACNS as the national authority for CNS practice, education, and research. Promote Clinical Nurse Specialist as a career of choice.
Question to Ponder Can you work to promote the needs of an organization while at the same time protect the publics interest?
BON Outcomes Protect the Public by –Enforcing nationally vetted educational standards. –Allowing those to enter practice who successfully pass a psychometrically sound exam. –Monitoring those in practice. –Removal from practice those who do not meet the standard.
Outcomes of Nursing Board Member Actions Fiduciary responsibility. Protect the health and safety of the public. Promote the integrity of the profession. Insure the rights of the individual member of the profession as guaranteed under the US constitution.
Linking Outcomes of Association Board Member Actions BON Role Fiduciary responsibility. Protect the health and safety of the public. Promote the integrity of the profession. Insure the rights of the individual member of the profession as guaranteed under the US constitution. Association Role Fiduciary responsibility. Support programs that meet a need. Promote and guide professional activities of the membership. Association integrity. Support member benefits as outlined in charter.
Benefits of Organizational Board Participation Exposure to trends in practice. Having a voice in the decision that can guide practice and the profession. Resource links to help understand or clarify practice issues. Understand various aspects of how organization consensus was achieved for specific issues.
Comparisons Board of Nursing Honor to serve Learning opportunity Network of Resources Represent a perspective of practice Association Honor to belong Learning opportunity Network of Resources Represent a constituency
Keys to Success for Dual Board Participation Understand the missions of each. Know who will be impacted by your decisions. Listen and think before you decide. Respect the purposes of each role. Respect the viewpoints of others. Understand that even small decisions can have huge outcomes.
Thank you!