1 Psychology 3260: Personality & Social Development Don Hartmann Autumn 2007 Lecture 6: Freud
2 Sigmund & Anna Freud
3 Overview of Freud Lecture Introduction to Freud Psychological Structures Motivation Stages Personality Dynamics Importance of Infancy Followers Evaluation
4 Introduction to Freud Important to psychology (3 rd in rank in 20 th century) and to Western culture (right along with Einstein, Darwin, & Marx) Equivalent Theoretical Terms: Psychoanalytic, Psychodynamic, Freudian, Dynamic Complex Theory involving Psychic Structures: Id, Ego, & Superego Motivational Forces: Eros & Thanatos Stages: Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, & Genital Personality Dynamics: e.g., Conscious, Preconscious, Unconscious Importance of Infancy
6 Psychological Structures The three psychic structures: -- Id (pleasure principle); the structure associated with needs. -- Ego (reality principle); structure associated with problem solving. -- Superego (embodiment of conscience).
7 ndy The Big Thre e
8 Motivation Forces Eros (life force) Thanatos (death force; aggression) Commentary Classical Dualism Problems with death force (e.g., catharsis)
9 Stages Introduction Stages Oral (1 year) Compare with Erickson (Table 2-2, p. 42 of text Anal (1-3 years): The “terrible 2s”; Dependency vs. Independence Phallic (3 ‑ 6 years): Oedipal & Electra complexes
10 Phallic Stage Cartoon
11 More Stages Latency (6 ‑ 12 years) Genital (from the beginning of adolescent to ??) What are these Stages again?
12 Personality Dynamics Mechanisms of Defense—protection from anxiety— e.g., denial, repression, reaction-formation, projection, regression… Levels of Consciousness: Conscious, preconscious, unconscious Psychology of humor, slips of the tongue, and errors Symbolism: An example from Fenichel’s Psychoanalytic theory of the neurosis (1945): “Many children feel compelled to play the jester to make other people laugh; they cannot stand seriousness. Similar disturbances occur in adults, too. Such behavior implies that the person fears being punished for his instinctual impulses;…
13 An Example of Symbolism (continued) …by pretending that he is merely jesting, he hopes to avoid punishment. [So things are not as they seem.] Usually however, the jesting is more than an avoidance of punishment; it has an exhibitionistic quality and is an attempt to get confirmation from the spectators and to seduce them to participate in the jesting sexual or aggressive acts. The idea of making others laugh is a substitute for the idea of exciting them. Without the jest, this excitement would be frightening. [Again, things are not what they seem.]
14 Other Emphases & Followers Emphasized the importance of infancy Offshoots: Young (dream symbols: archtypes; ying/yang) Adler (emphasis on power rather than sex; sibling rivalry) Ana Freud (emphasized ego processes) Sullivan (emphasis on the importance of peers)
15 Other Followers (b) Horney (psychoanalytic feminist) Erickson (emphasized social rather than biologica/sexual conflicts)
16 Summary of Freud Liabilities: Weak at prediction Internal inconsistencies Overgeneralization from middle-class Viennese women Weak (scientific) methods: Dream interpretation; free association Complex Assets: Liberalization of sex Levels of consciousness Mechanisms of defense Importance of parental influences Emotional behavior
17 Revisionist History! Unknown to most students of psychology, Pavlov’s first experiment was to ring a bell and cause his dog to attack Freud’s cat.
18 Summary Freud: Psychological Structures Motivation Stages Personality Dynamics Importance of Infancy Followers Evaluation Go in Peace!