Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Work Package 7 – Training and Dissemination.


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Presentation transcript:

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Work Package 7 – Training and Dissemination

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Training and Dissemination: what is it and why are we doing it? According to the DoW: WP7 will organise the wider impacts of the activities done within the project and the delivery of knowledge to the four user communities targeted by METAFOR: 1.climate science, 2.the IPCC WG2 Impacts groups, 3.private sector companies, institutions and branches of government involved in climate hazards and change and 4.the e-science community. If we want people to use the CIM and develop it once Metafor is finished, we need to make sure people understand how to use it!

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 How do we achieve our aims? Communication with external stakeholders via several media, including: – the project website, – leaflets, – journal and conference publications, – presentations at external meetings – Metafor-organised workshops and training courses.

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 What we’ve done in year 2 A lot of the work we’ve done in year 2 is focussing on building relationships between other groups (Curator and ESG). We’ve started publicising our work re. the CIM and the controlled vocabulary at conferences and through publications. CMIP5 questionnaire – we have been focussing on building it rather than talking about it, though people are getting to know about it through our beta testers and CV interviews. Year 3 is when we’ll need to really focus on training and dissemination

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Dissemination plans Our general dissemination plan is updated every 6 months and submitted to the EU as a deliverable. (D7.2) We also submit EU suitable dissemination material on the same schedule for the EU to use to publicise the project (D7.3) These deliverable documents are in the deliverables section of the Metafor website.

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Newsletters Since June 2009, there have been 4 quarterly newsletters produced to keep interested parties up-to-date with project developments. These are posted on the project website and are sent to various lists.

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Meetings and conferences attended in year 2 March 5nd 2009: OGF25, Catania, Italy. March : IS-ENES kickoff meeting, Paris, France. April 19 – 24, 2009: European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria September 8-9, 2009: EUBR2009 Workshop, Sao Paulo, Brazil October 1 –2, 2009: Networking Event for European Research Infrastructures + Standards Workshop, Helsinki October 6-8, 2009: GO-ESSP meeting, Hamburg October 12-14, 2009: 7th e-Concertation meeting, Brussels November 10-11, 2009: NCAS Staff meeting 2009, Oxford January : IPCC experts meeting on model evaluation, Boulder, USA March 23rd-24th, 2010: Sixth European Conference on Research Infrastructures, ECRI2010 – Barcelona March , 2010: Data-Intensive Research: how should we improve our ability to use data, e-Science Institute, Edinburgh April 21-23, 2010: Digital Preservation Interoperability Framework (DPIF) Symposium, Dresden, Germany

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Papers and Presentations “Metafor: managing metadata for climate models” Sarah Callaghan, Reinhard Budich, Gerry Devine, Eric Guilyardi, Bryan Lawrence and Sophie Valcke, Zero-In magazine, Issue 3: Successful case studies of eScience/eResearch projects in Europe and globally climate-models European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria, 19 – 24 April 2009

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 The Metafor cartoon We will be working with the animators who created the adventures of “Team Digital Preservation” to produce a Metafor-themed adventure in year 3. rve

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 CIM City – scene 1 Started writing a script: –“CIM City” – the story of a hard-boiled private investigator searching for a climate model for the mysterious and scientific Dr Actually. First scene is done using the free software xtranormal. We’ll finish the story in parallel with the Team Digital Preservation Cartoon.

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Interactions with other projects Working closely with Curator to move the CMIP5 questionnaire results into the ESG data node. Interactions with BELIEF-II project include exchanging news items to publicise on each project’s site. Metafor public documents are available in BELIEF-II’s Digital Library ( A lot of cross over in staff between Metafor and IS-ENES and many of their aims will act in synergy with ours for the benefit of the wider community. Invited members of the EU- WATCH project to attend the Metafor year 2 meeting (on advice from Year 1 reviewers).

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 WP7 Deliverables NumberNameDueStatus D7.1Formal Use CasesM03Done D7.2Detailed dissemination planM03, 09, 15, 21, 27, 33 M03, M09, M15, M21 done D7.3EC-related dissemination materialM03, 09, 15, 21, 27, 33 M03, M09, M15, M21 done D7.4Leaflet presenting objectives of METAFOR M06Done D7.5Leaflet presenting findings and recommendations M26Year 3 D7.6Open dissemination WorkshopM30Year 3

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Plans for year 3 Journal paper on the CIM and the CMIP5 questionnaire Conference presentations Metafor cartoon Governance structure for the CIM and controlled vocabulary Open workshop(s) –“How to find and understand the CMIP5 data”, aimed at climate scientists, impacts (WG1 and WG2). Needs to be coordinated with CMIP5 – aim for between Nov 2010 – Jan 2011 –“How to use the CIM to store, discover and locate climate modelling data”, aimed at climate modellers and CIM users. 1 day alongside the Metafor year 3 meeting

Metafor Year 2 review: 29 th April 2010 Future conferences and meetings EGU 2010: The CMIP5 Model Documentation Questionnaire: Development of a Metadata Retrieval System for the METAFOR Common Information Model - EGU EGU A “Common Information Model” (CIM) for the climate modeling process - EGU EGU The METAFOR project: providing community metadata standards for climate models, simulations and CMIP5 - EGU EGU Standard controlled vocabulary for climate models - EGU EGU th NERC Technology Forum, Our Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh, May We’ll be part of the Scientific Data Infrastructure (SDI) exhibition stand coordinated by GRDI2020 at ICT2010, September, Brussels, Belgium.