John Brown By: Kinsie Mitchell
Introduction John brown is a very smart and good hearted person who believed slavery was wrong. He had many plans and ideas of ways to free slaves
Abolitionist John Brown thought slavery was VERY wrong. He made many friends with slaves when he went into town. He witnessed his friends being beaten with whips and shovels John thought slavery was unfair envli_400.jpg
Bible John believed every word of the bible and that was his way of life. He also believed God wanted him to end slavery and free all the slaves.
Children John had many children that shared his way of life. They hated slavery too His kids also lived by the bible
Dysentery Dysentery is a serious disease causing vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and sometimes death. Four of John’s children died from this disease.
Executed He was executed because he and his team had killed seven people and acted against the U.S government. John was hanged on Dec. 2,
Fight John fought and fought without giving up. He soon realized that words would NOT solve the problem so he fought with guns, fists, and everything else he had.
Great John was a great person who wanted to make the U.S a great place to. He said just before he was hanged he was going to a better place.
Harper’s Ferry – John made a new plan to take his men to Harper’s Ferry in Virginia because many guns and other weapons were stored there
Intelligent John was very intelligent He made many plans to free slaves
Judge John stood before the judge waiting for what they would do to him The court decided DEATH. John would be hanged jpg
Kansas In Kansas John led raid against proslavery settlement Five men died
Lincoln Abraham Lincoln was elected in He was from the North and was against slavery Lincoln set over 3,000,000 slaves free
Mom Ruth mills brown was Johns mom she was also an abolitionist
Northerners People from the north did NOT believe slavery was right. Many northerners stood up for what they believed in
Owen Owen Brown is Johns dad. Owen owned a tannery before he gave it to John John took after his dad about the bible Owen is very strict jpg
Proslavery Proslavery are people who believe there should be slaves They are usually slave owners
Quakers John was part of a Quaker group. The group fought against slavery They all thought it was wrong so they tried to put an end to it.
Religious Revivals Religious revival were very common during this time It is when a preacher comes and sets up a large tent and when people gathered he would urge them to repent and lead holier lives.
Slaves John made many friends with slaves as a kid and when he was older he was helped by Fredrick Douglaus, who was a former slaves to help free the other slaves.
Tannery John worked in a tannery that his father Owen had owned himself He always worked his very hardest on everything jpg
Underground Railroad John was part of the Underground Railroad ndrailroadsmall2.jpg/335px-Undergroundrailroadsmall2.jpg
Violence There was ALOT of violence when fighting to free African Americans from their slave life At Pottawatomie Creek John took four of his sons where they murdered people. (not each other)
Weapons John sent weapons such as guns and swords to slaves, hoping they would attack their owners and run away. e_house.jpg/350px-John_brown_interior_engine_house.jpg
XII at age XII (12) he took the cattle into town to trade. Many times he got sidetracked and talked a lot with slaves.
Young At a very young age he knew slavery was wrong He had always known he had to do something about slavery
Zeal Zeal means enthusiastic John was very zeal about everything
Conclusion John did make some sort of difference, mostly to slaves because he let them know that a lot people know that it is wrong to call and treat people like property
Works Cited John Brown John Brown By: Tom Streissguth Anne Schraff Millbrook Press Enslow Publishers Inc. Minneapolis New Jersey