Pacific free clinic story or arbuckle café story 3
The trauma nurse’s perspective Noise Asserting authority Managing patient information Identity confusion Crowding & traffic Trauma “Many times people just don’t listen to me. I don’t feel like I have authority.” “During a 99 there might be 50 people in the room that I have to manage.”
6 An overloaded trauma nurse To feel authoritative in order to reduce the trauma room traffic to ensure fast, quality patient care. USERNEEDS
What is it? 7 Empathy: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another You can think through the experience of another by understanding them completely You can feel what another is feeling by immersing yourself completely in an experience
More about it… 8 Needfinding: discovering people’s explicit and implicit needs so that you can meet them through your designs need: a physical, psychological or cultural requirement of an individual or group that is missing or not met through existing solutions
Empathy Methods 9 Understand: read books, articles, watch movies, talk to experts Interview: Talk to the user Observe: Observe the user Immerse: Put yourself in the user’s shoes
Some interview tips… 10 Have a good conversation. Prompt the person to tell you stories. Talk about feelings. Follow up with ‘why?’
Have a good conversation. 11
Have a good conversation. 12 Intro Project Intro Yourself Build Rapport Evoke Stories Explore Emotions Question Statements Thank & Wrap-up
The Rules of Engage Club 1 st RULE: You do not say ‘usually’ when asking a question. 2 nd RULE: You do NOT say ‘usually’ when asking a question. 3 rd RULE: If someone says “I think” or states a belief or seems to prefer one thing over another, then the conversation is NOT over. Ask why that’s important. 4 th RULE: Only 10 words to a question. 5 th RULE: One question at a time. 6 th RULE: No binary questions, no leading questions. 7 th RULE: A conversation started from one question will go on as long as it has to. 8 th RULE: If you’re the only one interviewing, then you HAVE to use a voice recorder to capture!
Seek stories. 14 “Tell me about the last time you_______________________.” “Tell me about an experience you’ve had with _______________________.”
Talk about feelings. 15 “How did you feel when [x] happened?” “What were you feeling at that point?”
And always follow-up with ‘why?’ 16
Practice Interview 17 Turn to your partner and interview them about their health regimen. [2 min each] Remember: Have a good conversation. Prompt the person to tell you stories. Talk about feelings. Follow up with ‘why?’
Observation 18
WHAT HOW WHY 19 What is this person (or persons) doing? How are they doing it? Pretend you are describing the picture to someone not looking at it. Why are they doing it this way? Take a guess. Start to form a story.
20 Empathy: The Bird’s Eye View WHAT (what are they doing in the photo?) HOW (how are they doing it?) WHY (why are they doing it this way? Take a guess!) -picking root vegetables-smiling, even though it looks bigger than them, it looks fun -somehow it’s been made into a game…gardening is fun…getting messy is fun to them concreteemotional
23 Empathy: Whose Life AttributeThe Character Name Age and Life-Stage Occupation Family Situation Hobbies and Interests Attitudes towards Health Key Values Media Interests (music, movies, etc) Personal Strengths and Weaknesses A regular ritual Loyalty to a brand A source of pleasure A habit desired A habit he/she wants to kick Something under control Something out of control