Top Ten Things You Need to Know About First Grade Curriculum Night Great Happens Here!
1. Teamwork Introductions Who’s here? Communication Newsletter/Blog:
2. Schedule Music Program: Mon. April 7th at 6:00 or 7:00 PM
3. 7 Habits Habit 1- Be Proactive Habit 2- Begin with the End in Mind Habit 3- Put First Things First Habit 4- Think Win-Win Habit 5- Seek First to Understand then to be Understood Habit 6- Synergize Habit 7- Sharpen the Saw
4. Writing Narrative Writing Non-Fiction – How-to – All About Opinion Writing Invented Spelling Handwriting – Letter formation – Readable
5. Reading District Expectations – Reading for at least 90 minutes per day Daily 3/Café Reading at Home – Book baggies – Decoding Strategies – Comprehension Phonics – Words Their Way High Frequency Words
6. Math Counts within 120 by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Reads, writes, and represents a number of objects up to 120. Adds and subtracts within 20 and demonstrates fluency for addition and subtraction within 10. Uses addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems. Tells, shows, and writes time in hours and half hours using analog and digital clocks. Organizes, represents, and interprets data with up to three categories. Builds and draws shapes to possess defining attributes. Understands and uses place value. Counts and exchanges within $1.00 involving quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
7. Science/Social Studies Social Studies SBO’s Goods/Services provided by Government Communities (rural, urban, desert, forest, etc.—why people choose to live there) Producers and Consumers Natural Resources Geographic Definitions & Representations (Maps, globes, human vs. physical characteristics) US Symbols Transportation & Technology/Communication Leadership Qualities Science SBO’s Air & Weather Unit Solids & Liquids Unit Plant Unit
8. Volunteers/Giving Tree Volunteers are always welcome! – Cutting – Sorting – Working with Kids – Portfolios – Organize Materials Giving Tree/Wish List on blog
9. Homework Math Home links Read at least 20 minutes a day If your child reads 20 min. a day=8,000 min. for the school year. If your child reads 5 min. a day=2,000 min. for the school year. Practice High Frequency Words Projects Occasionally
10. Student Success Parents SchoolTeacher Student
Thank you for coming!