AGENDA 1.Writing with Confidence in 6 Steps 2.Writing a Powerful Paragraph 3.Writing an Effective Essay 2
Step 1: Exploring Idea Step 2: Prewriting Step 3: Organizing Step 4: Writing first Draft Step 5: Revising the Draft Step 6: Producing the final Copy 4
WHY DO WE WRITE? Some thing to Say: a Subject A reason for Saying it : a Purpose Some one to say it to: an Audience Writing is a Personal Process BUT: You should never sit down to write a paper the night before due. Some writers are good Planners 5
STEP 1: EXPLORING IDEA What is my subject? What jobs have I done or do now? What do I know about these jobs? Which jobs do I love or hate? What parts make me angry or happy What is my purpose? Inform?, persuade?, entertain? What is my audience? College students, public, your managers, professionals? 6
STEP 2: PREWRITING Brainstorming Clustering Free writing 7
STEP 3: ORGANIZATION Selecting Based on your purpose and audience, Outlining Rough outline, Many ways to organize paragraphs. 11
STEP 4: WRITING A FIRST DRAFT Write as fast as you can to capture your ideas fully Leave wide margins Double space so there will be plenty of room for change Use only one side of the paper Make notes in the margins Tape or staple additions where you want them to go Say some thing out loud well may be in a whisper before you write it. Circle words you think you misspelled to change later. in Computer? 12
STEP 5: REVISING THE DRAFT Reviewing, Reading aloud Predicting Making clean copy 13
STEP 6: PRODUCING THE FINAL COPY 14 Editing Proofreading Tips use a good quality standard-size paper.
WHAT IS THE PARAGRAPH A group of sentences that discuss a smaller idea and like an essay, the paragraph generally contains: an introduction, a body and a conclusion. 16
BIG MAC CHEESEBURGER 17 What are the ingredients of a Big Mac Cheeseburger ? Top Bun Lettuce Tomato Cheese Onion Special Sauce Hamburger Bottom Bun The top and bottom bun hold the stuff inside together.
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Exploring and Planning Writing the topic sentence: Writing the Body and Conclusion: Revising the paragraph: 18
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Exploring and Planning you need to have Topic, this topic should be limited Example Influence of television = a long book Television quiz shows, cartoon, comedies, ….. You can consider influence of above issues on Preschools, older children, adults and etc. 19
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Writing the topic sentence: General and specific statements. Making a point 20
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Writing the Body and Conclusion: 1.Generating Ideas 2.Selecting and Organizing Ideas 3.Developing Ideas 4.Looking at Paragraph Development 5.Writing Conclusion 21
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Writing the Body and Conclusion: 1.Generating Ideas Brainstorming Clustering Free writing 22
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Writing the Body and Conclusion: 2. Selecting and Organizing Ideas Choose the details to support your topic sentence. Arrange them in an informal outline Choose only the details related to your purpose Don’t use those that don’t fit 23
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Writing the Body and Conclusion: 3. Developing Ideas Explanations Specific Details Examples 24
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Writing the Body and Conclusion: 4. Looking at Paragraph Development How complicated is the topic idea How much do your reader know about the topic How interesting or entertaining should the paragraph. Writing the first Draft Writing Conclusion 25
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Writing the Body and Conclusion: 5. Writing the first Draft 7 to 10 sentences but don’t pad it 6. Writing Conclusion Not every conclusion has to summarize; a bang, a joke, a powerful example, a surprize, 26
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Revising the paragraph: Unity Coherence Refining the Topic Sentence and Conclusion Using peer review 27
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Revision Guidelines 1- What is best about the paragraph 2- locate the topic sentence 3- should any sentences or parts of sentences be restated or reworded? 4- Can any general ideas be explained more? How? Would examples help? 5- Do any statements need examples to clarify their meaning. Are there places where examples might make the paragraph livelier 28
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Revision Guidelines 6- look at the end of each sentence and the beginning of the next. Is there a natural flow between sentences? If not what transitional words or phrases could be added. Therefore, however, because, when, despite, later, and so on. 7- look at the beginning and ending sentences of the paragraph. Is the relationship between them clear and logical.or does the paragraph stray off the point? If so, how could the problem be corrected. 29
HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Revision Guidelines 8- What would readers do with the information in the paragraph? That is how does the paragraph answer “So What?” question? Should the paragraph be rearranged or changed to answer that question better? 9- Is the conclusion effective? Does it summarize? Does it end powerfully? How could it be revised if it drags on or stray off the point. 30 Revising the paragraph:
SUMMARY OF PARAGRAPH 1.Is focused on a topic that can be developed fully in a short space 2.Begins with an introduction that attracts the readers’ interest 3.Includes a topic sentence that is the most general statement in the paragraph, makes a point and expresses an attitude or opinion. 4.May include a roadmap 5.Develops the topic idea in the body with supporting explanations, details, and examples, 6.Arranges the supporting information in some logical way 7.Concludes with a summary or a graceful ending. 31