Development art: Putting art into science Paul Mundy Yitagesu Mergia Fitsum Wubeshet
Who are we? Paul Mundy Yitagesu Mergia Fitsum Wubeshet Independent specialist in development communication, Germany, Yitagesu Mergia Artist, illustrator, Addis Ababa Fitsum Wubeshet
Conceptualize some art! Think of a message you want to convey Think of how to communicate it as a picture Make a quick sketch
Why art? Adds visual interest (decoration) Helps carry a message (information) Helps memory Shows things impossible to show otherwise
Types of graphic Photo Map Diagram Realistic line drawing Cartoon Chart Schematic Black/white Colour
Photos Stunning, National Geographic quality Good composition Good colour and contrast In focus, not blurred Clear focal point of interest At least 1 MB Not taken on a mobile phone
Get up close Rule of thirds
Rule of thirds
Cropping Framing
Crop to remove dead space
Different ways to crop a photo Wait for the right moment
Tell a story Clear focal point of interest
Boring meetings Don’t use group photos where people are just looking at the camera Get them to do something Find an unusual angle At least add an explanatory caption The participants came from 14 countries in Africa and Europe
Maps May have to convert to publishable format
May have to completely redraw
Realistic drawings, shading Sidi Lamine Drame, Senegal
Simple line Bonaventure Nytotumba, Kenya
Sidi Lamine Drame, Senegal
Technical drawing
Art can show things that are hard to photograph Bonaventure Nyotumba, Kenya
Cartoon style
Jorge Enrique Gutiérrez, Colombia
Jorge Enrique Gutiérrez, Colombia
Chart Cereals Fruit 20 40 Income
Icons instead of words Cereals Fruit 20 40 Income
Schematic Paul Mundy
Drawings instead of bullet points Yitagesu Mergia
Labelled diagram Yitagesu Mergia
Thought bubbles Yitagesu Mergia
Explanatory captions Yitagesu Mergia
Boxes and arrows Savings and credit cooperative Previously no source of credit Bank Petty trader Small-scale entrepreneur Large business Boxes and arrows
Drawings instead of plain boxes Yitagesu Mergia
Drawing as a flow diagram Yitagesu Mergia
Strip cartoon Yitagesu Mergia
Use existing art Find some clip art Images you already have Search Google Images Make sure you have copyright permission Paul Mundy
Rod Shaw Petra Röhr-Rouendaal
Commission an artist In-house artist Contracted in Local art school Paul Mundy
Know a good artist. Got any copyright-free art. Please let me know Know a good artist? Got any copyright-free art? Please let me know! Paul Mundy