Objective SWBAT: describe the social division of France’s old order List reasons for France’s economic troubles Explain why Louis XVI called the Estates-General and summarize what happened Understand why Parisians stormed the Bastille
TV France: Wrap up Questions Do the interviews suggest that one social class was more important or influential than another? Which social classes were more optimistic about their future? What reasons can you suggest for this? Make an argument for and against each social class as the “most important”
Do Now Tuesday 1/8/13 In your notes, explain the political cartoon. What do each of the four men represent? What is the message?
Qu’est-ce que le tiers état?
Ancien Regime old order Clergy enjoy wealth Church owns 10% of land, collect tithe, no taxes Enlightenment ideas target the 1st estate (Clergy) Nobles Hold top government jobs Army, courts & church Feared losing traditional positions Vastly Diverse Third Estate Bourgeoisie at top Bankers, merchants, manufacturers, lawyers, doctors, journalisits, professors MOST were rural peasants
The French Revolution all 3 estates had grievances against the monarchy. to improve their condition - take power from the monarchy Third estate felt most stress: provided goods and services. Paid heavy taxes
Causes: Enlightenment Ideas & Philosophes The Enlightenment Ideas: Liberty Equality Reason Progress Philosophes: Locke private property, limited sovereignty & fair government Voltaire attacked noble privileges & Church’s authority
Causes: Am. Rev & Economy The American Revolution: 1775-1783 Enlightenment ideas in action French soldiers (Lafayette) came home inspired Put Louis XIV in more debt French economy was failing: 50% of government’s income went to debt interest No central bank or paper currency Inefficient and uneven taxation system (Varied by region and estate)
Causes: Feudal System Estate System outdated Difficult to move up in society, unless very rich The poor/peasantry resented the inequality of the three estates Harvest failure 1787-1788 Less food, higher prices, businesses failed, unemployment in cities
Causes: Louis XVI Good intentions “Enlightened” Weak-willed Indecisive Marie Antoinette allowed him “to dispense patronage amongst friends”
How does the cartoonist portray the Third Estate How does the cartoonist portray the Third Estate? What were the differences among the social classes in pre-revolutionary France?
Events of the French Revolution Moderate Stage: 1789-1792 Radical Stage: 1782-1794 The Directory: 1794-1799 Napoleon: 1799-1815
Outbreak: Estates-General May 5, 1789: Estates General convenes at Versailles First time in 175 years (1614) All three estates prepared cahiers (notebooks) listing their grievances “Cahiers de doleances” Fairer taxes, freedom of press, regular meetings of the Estate-General
Outbreak: Estates General Reps from Third Estate Disagreed on how to vote Tradition: each estate met and voted separately, each estate had one vote First & Second Estates always outvoted the Third Estate The Third Estate wanted all estates to meet in a single body and count votes “by head”
Tennis Court Oath June 17, 1789: delegates of the Third Estate declared themselves to be The National Assembly June 20, 1789: The Oath of the Tennis Court Meeting hall locked and guarded Met at an indoor tennis court Swore, “never to separate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution.” Tension between king & Assembly
Storming the Bastille July 14, 1789: Paris More than 800 Parisians assembled outside the Bastille Demanded weapons and gunpowder (rumored to be there) Commander of Bastille refused & opened fire on the crowd Crowd killed the commander, set free prisoners, found no weapons Importance: Challenged the king & won Celebrated every year since 1880
Place de la Bastille
French Revolution French Rev Part 1 French Rev Part 2
Do Now What is the significance of La Place de la Bastille? Explain the historical significance as well as current day.