Bundling Middle School Rationale Elementary Considerations K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
NGSS Setting a New Course
K-12 Alliance/WestEd A Model
Instruction Builds Toward PEs Performance Expectation
How Does One Bundle?
California Science Expert Panel (SEP) 27 Science Experts who are representative of the SRT –K-12 Teachers, COE Science Leaders, IHE Faculty, Business, Industry, and Informal Science Centers –Noted Scientist Advisors Dr. Bruce Alberts Dr. Helen Quinn Dr. Art Sussman K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Given: -NGSS middle school in grade span -NGSS as DCI or Topic arrangement -CA instructional materials adoption dictates grade level placement Path to MS Arrangement K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Action: SEP #1: Explore arrangements; current integrated lite; research Decision to integrate SEP #2:Data from public meetings Set criteria SEP #3: Data from SRT; NGSS topic arrangement Path to MS Arrangement
What Research Says CA SS&C: Students in integrated biology scored the same or better than students in traditional biology on the Golden State Exam. Scott, G (2000) All [top scoring ]countries require participation in integrated science instruction through Lower Secondary and seven of 10 countries continue that instruction through Grade 10, providing a strong foundation in scientific literacy. Achieve (2010).
Criteria for Design PEs must : Be arranged to provide a TRANSITION from elementary to high school ALIGN with CCSS ELA and Math Build WITHIN and ACROSS grade levels Be BALANCED in complexity and quantity at each grade INTEGRATE engineering appropriately
Dr. Art Sussman: “… the SEP very seriously considered the option of having discipline-focused concepts …It quickly became very clear that there had to be foundational physical science concepts in grade 6 to be able to do …life and earth science concepts…. That combination of needing some physical science in grade 6 but not being able to do all physical science in grade 6 made the discipline-specific approach impossible. Dr. Bruce Alberts [With this arrangment] the students will reinforce what they learned the previous year, returning to related ideas, and the focus in every year will be on SCIENCE itself, not biology, or earth sciences, or the physical sciences.”
Photosynthesis Natural Resources Energy Chemistry
Reminder!! PEs are a list at each grade level How you “bundle” them for instruction is up to you or your district. K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Articulation One Example Life Science 8 th Natural Selection 7 th Ecosystems 6 th Cells/Organisms 5 th Food Chains/Webs 4 th Internal and External Structures/Functions K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Example Integration 7 th Grade Ecosystems; photosynthesis Natural resources; rocks and minerals Chemical properties and reactions Engineering and Human Impact Matter cycles; energy flows Cause and effect K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Example Integration 8 th Grade Natural selection Earth History and Space Science Energy Engineering and human impact scale stability K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Example Integration 6 th Grade Cells and organisms Weather and climate Energy Engineering and Human Impact Systems and system models Patterns K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Creative Implementation Teach life, earth or physical 6 th, 7 th and 8 th grade Combine expertise at grade level—students rotate; teachers stay in discipline Teachers collaborate to share expertise with colleagues Ease in implementation over the next several years State fully funds professional development! K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Implementation Timeline 2013: Adoption of the Ca NGSS 2014: CST 5, 8, 10 Science Assessment on current Ca science standards 2014: Science Framework begins :Earliest Implementation (more likely ) :Science Instructional Materials ???: Science assessment on CaNGSS K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Elementary Work Group Place the PEs by grade level into the pocket charts. What do you notice about the learning progression for life science? Earth science? Physical science? Engineering? Select Grade 4: how might you bundle those PEs Be prepared to share your thinking K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2014
Middle School Work Group Use the PEs cut outs from 7 th grade. How might you bundle them? Be prepared to share your ideas. Read the Rationale Document from CDE for grade 7. How does the thinking in that document resonate with your thinking as you bundled the PEs? K-12 Alliance/WestEd 2012