WHEN DOES IT HAPPEN? MAKING SENSE OF ENGLISH. EVENTS ARE ANCHORED IN TIME 當小明看到貓在追狗 … When? 甚麼時候發生的? 「標記時間」是描述事件的首要任務 2.


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to V  S –To study hard __ important. –It is important __ you to study hard. –It is wise __ you to choose that man as your husband.
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Presentation transcript:


EVENTS ARE ANCHORED IN TIME 當小明看到貓在追狗 … When? 甚麼時候發生的? 「標記時間」是描述事件的首要任務 2

HOW TO MARK EVENT TIME A cat chased a dog. A cat is chasing a dog. A cat chases a dog. A cat will chase a dog. English: 動詞出場,時態相隨 ! Chinese has no grammaticalized tense: Chinese grammar does not mark tense 3 EnglishChinese She goes to school. She went to school. 她去學校

TENSE IN ENGLISH Tense: Event time in relation to Speech Time Four types of tense 4

EVENT T IN RELATION TO SPEECH T Present : ET at ST Past: before ST Future: after ST Habitual: ET not specified 5

STATIVE VERBS() AND TENSE STATIVE VERBS( 狀態動詞 ) AND TENSE Habitual Tense Not specifically anchored in a time frame I am eating apples. 我在吃蘋果 Present event I eat apples. 我是吃蘋果的 Habitual fact Pertaining to truth, habits, or facts 1)The sun rises in the East. 2)He goes to school by bus. 3)I only eat two meals a day. 4)Haste makes waste. (<-- idioms) 6

STATIVE VERBS AND TENSE Stative vs. active events State : know / believe / have Action : eat / go / hit 7 Stative verb : knowActive verb : write PastHe knew the answer.He wrote a novel. PresentHe knows the answer. He is knowing the answer.(x) →no progressive He is writing the letter. →always in progressive HabitualHe (always) knows the answer.He (always) writes novels.

STATIVE VERBS AND TENSE “states” involves no action, inherently ‘lasting’ 1)He knows the answer right now. present tense → 針對眼前問題,他知道答 案 2)He always knows the answer. habitual tense → 他博學多聞,總是知道答 案 8

STATIVE VERBS AND TENSE States do not progress; cannot be on-going No progressive tense with stative verbs: No action is involved I am knowing the answer. (X) She is believing in God. (X) John is understanding your point. (X) But you can say: I am getting the answer. I am trusting God. I am trying to understand your point. 9

ACTIVITY VERBS() AND TENSE ACTIVITY VERBS( 動態動詞 ) AND TENSE Physical activity: I am studying English/reading a book. He was building a house/taking an exam. Mental activity: I am thinking about her. I am dreaming about my future. When an activity takes place at the ST, it must take progressive tense ( 說話時進行的動作 ) He is eating the apples. 10

FUTURE TENSE 1)I will leave soon. 2)I am going to leave soon. 3)I am leaving soon. Origins of different forms of future tense: “will”: wish/determination  future “be going to”: moving in space  moving in time 從空間到時間 “be V-ing”: on-going for immediate future 11

FUTURE TENSE Semantic distinction: 1)I am leaving this afternoon. → 立即要離開 2)I am leaving next year. (?) → I will leave next year. (√) 12

PAST HABITUAL Habit in the past 1)used to + V : past tense She used to play guitar, but not anymore. ( 以前曾有彈吉他的習慣,現在不彈了 ) 2)would + V : habitual She would play guitar when feeling down. ( 過去有彈吉他的習慣,現在與未來仍有可能 彈 ) 13

TENSE IN A CLAUSE One clause with verbs marking different tense Clause: a separate and independent event 1)I guess (that) his faith helped him face the challenge. 2)I think (that) his talents came from his mother’s side of the family. Past vs. truth 1)I thought English was difficult, but it is not. 過去的信念,現在不認為如此 2)I thought English is difficult and still do. 對事實的認定,一向認為如此 14

I’M LOVIN’ IT How can you say “I am loving it” ? Can a stative verb ‘love’ be used with progressive ? Activate a state: 狀態動詞「動作化」 A new meaning is created with a new form. Love turns into action! 15