T.C. Roberson High School Welcome Rising 9th Graders & Parents March 12, 2015
Future-Ready Core Graduation Requirements North Carolina Exit Standards for high school: Demonstrate proficiency in computer skills (middle school). CPR certification (middle school) Complete course requirements for Future Ready Core. Score at proficiency Level III or above on the end-of-course tests for Math I, English II, and Biology. Successfully complete a graduation project (12th grade).
Future Ready Core: 16 Credits English (4) I, II, III, IV Math (4) Math I Math II Math III Adv. Math Course Health and PE Science (3) Earth/Environmental Biology A physical science Social Studies (4) World History American History 1 & II Civics & Economics
Electives: 12-16 Credits Including a 4-credit Concentration World Languages Spanish Latin Chinese ESL Fine Arts Band/ Strings Chorus Visual Arts Dance Theater Career Clusters (12) Career Technical Education (CTE) Physical Education JROTC Academic Core Math English Science Social Studies
High School is Different Students must earn a minimum of 28 credits in Buncombe County to graduate (32 possible) Potential to earn 8 credits per year at TCR Passing a course = 1 Credit More choices Electives (Advanced Placement, Arts, CTE, Languages, PE, JROTC, Enrichment Classes) Students and parents make course selections More learning opportunities Option of graduating early (talk to your counselor)
Building a Transcript … A permanent record that will follow students. Every course counts toward grade point average (GPA) and class rank. New weighted points above standard: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0 Honors classes add .5 point AP classes add 1 point (same as college courses—AB Tech) Testing Data: EOG’s, EOC’s and NC Final Exams Take high school seriously—find a balance of challenging classes and academic success.
…and a Reputation A time to make a ! Control your Behaviors Limit absences (no more than 5 per course) Be on time & prepared for class every day. Make good decisions and be your best. Homework is very important to student success. Get involved…Find your RAM PRIDE! Fine Arts (Band, Drama, Chorus, Dance) Sports (All 9th graders are eligible) Clubs & Organizations Church and Community Sports: all 9th graders are eligible; must maintain 75% passing & 85% attendance; Clubs: Club Day in September
Make GOOD Choices !
The Freshman Academy Friendly & Supportive Staff
Freshman Schedule Required Courses: Electives (student choice) Four 85-minute classes, year-long (A-day/B-day) (English I, World History, Math I or II, Earth Science) Health/PE—85 minutes, semester-long Electives (student choice) Three 85-minute electives, semester-long Study SMART 30 minutes each day for tutoring, study hall, make-up work Total of 8 Credits (must pass 6 credits to be a 10th grader)
Registration Process… Access helpful information on the TC Roberson website under Headlines: Registration for 2015-16. Talk with teachers about their recommendations. Parents & students discuss options and expectations. Consider a 4-year plan for accessing the full high school curriculum. Complete your registration card. Enter course selections in Powerschool PRINT course selection list; students and parents sign. Return signed registration card to middle school counselor by March 20th. TC Roberson website is a live link to our website. Show students the Registration link with course catalog, CTE information, course sequences and 4-year planner
Registration and Powerschool On our TC Roberson website, you will see this link near the bottom of the page on the left: Open it to your Student and Parent Portal Log in using the following: Username: student ID (lunch) # Password: birthdate (yyyymmdd) Select the “Class Registration” link on the left column for your course options Refer to your registration card and select your 8 courses plus 4 alternates TC Roberson is a live link to our website. Show students how to navigate to the bottom of page to Student/Parent portal. Ask for student volunteer for ID and birthdate.
GOOD LUCK! Follow your directions for registration. Start early and think about your options. If you have questions, ASK!
Important Dates August 19 First day of high school! March 9 & 10 TCR staff visits Middle Schools March 12 Evening for Parents & Students at TCR March 16-19 Counselors and students finalize course selection March 20 Deadline for completed registration August 17 Freshman Orientation at TCR (tentative) August 19 First day of high school!
Email your TCR counselor and administrator or call (654-1765): Natalie Anderson natalie.anderson@bcsemail.org Lindsay Rice lindsay.rice@bcsemail.org