PJCSD Goals Continue to implement the CCLS with a focus on an increase in professional development for all employees Continue to update the Strategic Plan Scorecard Continue to improve attendance and graduation rates Study and present replacement/improvement options for the Middle School building Maintain the fiscal stability of PJCSD
CONTINUE TO IMPLEMENT THE CCLS Established New Standards Based Report Card Parent Involvement Nights Implemented Compass Learning Odyssey Program Expanded MAPS Testing Teachers Worked in Collaboration with OU/Sullivan BOCES to Create the New Social Studies Curriculum Professional Book Club PLC Teams Created Essential Concepts and Common Assessments Continue to Work on Modules and Modifying Curriculum Increased Professional Development and Training
Professional Development andaa In-house79416 Off-site BOCES Total7051,305
Continue to update the Strategic Plan Scorecard Increases High School: Improvement on Regents Exam Scores in 5 subject areas: English, US History, Living Environment, Earth Science, Physics; met or exceeded 2015 Goals in each of these subject areas Middle School: Student growth improvement on Math 7 and ELA 8 scores; met 2015 ELA 8 Goal ASK: Student growth improvement in ELA 4, ELA 6, Math 3, Math 4, Math 5, Math 6; exceeded Math Goal HBE: Student growth improvement in ELA 4, Math 3, Math 5, Math 6 Decreases High School: Went down on Regents Exam Scores in 4 subject areas: Algebra, Geometry, Global History, Chemistry Middle School: Went down on ELA 7, Math 8, Science 8 ASK: Went down in ELA 3, ELA 5, Science 4 HBE: Went down in ELA 3, ELA 5, ELA 6, Math 4, Science 4
Continue to Improve Attendance Rate ASK 93.02%92.67%93.53%93.15%93.81%93.85%94.13% HBE 94.75%93.39%94.07%94.95%94.72%94.06%94.46% MS 93.23%91.90%92.61%92.86%93.21%93.17%94.41% HS 89.90%89.02%89.04%82.83%92.26%92.49%93.65% Total 94.16%
CONTINUE TO IMPROVE GRADUATION RATE YearFour Year Graduation Rate# oF Non-Completers % % % % % % %31
STUDY AND PRESENT REPLACEMENT/IMPROVEMENT OPTIONS FOR THE MIDDLE SCHOOL BUILDING Information below was presented at the September 16, 2014 BOE meeting: Short Term: Split Session Rebuild/Refurbish the current 7 th -8 th grade building at present location Rebuild/Refurbish at present location, expand to include 6 th grade Add additional classrooms to 209 complex to house (6 th ) 7 th and 8 th grade levels Construct new grade 6,7,8 Middle School at an alternate location Construct new grade 9-12 High School at an alternate location
Maintain Fiscal Stability Developed, presented and adopted a fiscally sound budget which was approved by voters Developed, presented and adopted capital projects referendum that addresses instructional initiatives and safety concerns. Approved by voters and planning has begun. Continue to revise comprehensive plan to address Food Service budget deficits Revise fund balance plan quarterly-include material loss of Montague tuition Audit continues to support sound financial position