Rajni Patel Gopani Product Systems 13 th Sep. 2013
Working in partnership with world leaders in global markets Innovating with a Materials Science and Engineering focus Providing structural porous solutions to real world problems Porex Corporation
Global Facilities Support an Efficient Supply Chain And Provide Manufacturing Redundancy
Brings unique product solutions to high-solids filtration and separation applications, utilizing proprietary materials and membrane technology.
What is TMF Tubular Micro Filtration (TMF) Microfiltration (MF) is a low pressure (0.7 – 7 bar, psig) separation process for separation of solids from aqueous solutions by means of a membrane. This “crossflow” process is carried out by having a process solution flow along a membrane surface under pressure. Retained particulate matter leaves with the flowing process stream and does not accumulate on the membrane surface
Why the Porex TMF Membrane is Better Unique abrasion resistant topography PVDF membrane with PE or PVDF sintered substrate Membrane is in the pores of the substrate Anchored into substrate by full depth entanglement Also chemically bonded in the PVDF/PVDF option
Tubular Membrane Filter Module (TMF) Membrane with nominal pore size of 0.05, 0.1, 0.5 PVDF membrane material HDPE or PVDF substrate material Tubular configuration with 1” or 1/2” diameter Housing materials of PVC, CPVC, SS, all PVDF, other options on request. Up to 43°C Temperature PE, up to 80°C Temperature PVDF tubes (continuous operating temperature)
The Porex TMF Membrane is Unique and Proprietary An efficient filter for high solid and liquid separation Chemical and abrasion resistant membrane Low SDI (typically less than 0.5 NTU) allows for further processing
High Flux Typical operation flux rate lmh High solid concentration solids level requirements up to 5% (by weight) Excellent Chemical Resistance pH 1-14 Backwashable Unique membrane anchor points allowed backwash Minimal Construction Materials Simple system design minimized the construction cost.
Typical Microfiltration Treatment Process
Typical Applications and Results ContaminantInfluent (mg/L) Membrane Filtrate (mg/L) Cadmium - Cd < 0.05 Chrome - Cr < 0.1 Copper - Cu < 0.1 Iron - Fe < 0.1 Lead - Pb1 - 15< 0.1 Nickel - Ni5 - 75< 0.1 Zinc - Zn < 0.1 Fluoride – Fl10-500<5.0 Solids - TSS < 1.0 Typical Metal Finishing & Printed Circuit Board Applications and Results
What Can TMF Membrane Achieve? Tubular Micro Filtration (TMF) Water Softening Applications, Cooling Tower Blowdown, Industrial Process Streams, Petroleum WellWater ParameterInfluentMembrane Filtrate pH (s.u.) Conductivity (μS/cm) 7, ,0003, ,000 Calcium (mg/L) Magnesium (mg/L) Silica (mg/L) Barium (mg/L)1 – 40< 1 - 5
FeaturesBenefits Superior Filtrate Quality – MF/UF barrier filtration - < 1.0 ppm SS and 0.1 ppm metals are typical Can meet strict discharge regulations or feed directly to RO without additional treatment (reuse/recycle wastewater) Can feed directly to RO without additional treatment Reduces overall system capital cost and space requirements No need for Polymer additionSaves money and time. Reduces overall sludge volume Operates at broad temperature rangeNo system upsets with temperature variations – saves operator time and reduces system downtime Can easily handle 2-5% solidsProduces less slurry and better filter press performance Most durable membranes on the marketBest investment – holds up to abrasives, strong chemical cleaning, backpulse
FeaturesBenefits Automated system and easy On/Off operation Saves operator time, more consistent operation and filtrate quality Pre-treatment chemistry easily accomplished with readily available chemicals No need for special or “exclusive” chemicals – saves money and allows choice in sourcing (OEM can supply) Recirculation increases stoichiometric process of pretreatment chemistry Less chemical addition, greater removal efficiency Small footprintMore space required No additional post treatmentSand Filter/Multi Media Filter required Membrane is a positive barrier reducing solids passage Increased RO performance and decreased RO cleaning frequency
Porex TMFHollow Fiber MF/UF Strong durable membrane tubesFiber can be fragile and break Can be chemically cleaned with organic acids, caustic and strong oxidizers Often limited to low concentrations of caustic and oxidizers Can handle solids loadings up to 5%Limited to several hundred ppm solids Can handle influent streams with aggressive abrasives Abrasives can break fragile fibers requiring replacement of the module Backpulse system does not create additional liquids requiring treatment Backwash water must be treated or disposed of High flux rates of several hundred lmhTypical flux rate 50 lmh
Concentration Tank Back Pulse Column Circulation Pump Cleaning Tanks Coated Steel Frame Membrane Modules PVC Piping
Backpluse: Often PLC controlled Typically engaged every 5 – 30 minutes (20 is standard). Used to prevent excessive solids accumulation on membrane surface Filtrate is forced back through membranes using air pressure
Technology Tubular Micro Filtration (TMF) Typical Membrane Cleaning Chemicals Acid: 5-10% H 2 SO 4 or 5-10% HCl solution (removal of metals) Alkaline: 3-5% NaOH solution (removal of silica, some organics) Oxidizers: Acidic solution (mixture of 5-10% H 2 SO 4 / 3-5% H 2 O 2 ) Alkaline solution (mixture of 5-15% NaOCl / 1-3% NaOH) (removal of organics)
Chemicals Used in MF treatment Tubular Micro Filtration (TMF) Typical pretreatment chemicals Precipitants ◦ Calcium chloride – fluoride or phosphate removal, ◦ Magnesium chloride – silica removal ◦ Sodium Carbonate – calcium removal pH adjustment ◦ Sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ), hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), lime (Ca(OH) 2 ) Oxidizing Agents ◦ Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), bleach (NaOCl) Reducing Agents ◦ Sodium metabisulfite (Na 2 S 2 O 5 ), sodium bisulfite (NaHSO 3 )
Water Flow rate: 120m3/h Operation date: December 2008 Type of membrane: MME2S01613VP Number of modules: 120
Flow rate: 450m3/h Operation date: April System recover : 97 %
Flow rate: 50m3/h Operation date: Aug Application : High salt surface water System recover : 97 %
Location: China Operation date: November 2011 Water Flow rate: 150m 3 /h (capacity 500m 3 /h) Removal of copper for reclaim; recycle filtered water to RO Type of membrane: MME3S01613VP Number of modules: 144 Result: SDI less than 1. All filtrate recycled after RO treatment
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