Earth Science Course Syllabus California City High School Teacher: Mrs. Maysha DawsonWebsite: Room #: 204 Course Description: The aim of this course is to help students build an understanding of Earth Science on the foundation of their prior learning in physical science. A key goal of the course is to give students an integrated insight into the modern scientific view of the world. By the conclusion of this course students should have a perspective on the world, and how it works, which will empower them to follow their interests in any direction after high school, either on to college/university or their career. How to succeed in this course: Attend class, participate in class discussion, review lecture notes and vocabulary daily, complete class work to the best of your ability Course Outline: 1.Earth and the Solar System 1.Formation of Solar System 2.Models of Solar System 3.Movements of the Moon 4.Structure and Activity of the Sun 5.Stellar Evolution 2.Composition of the Earth 1.Rocks and the Rock Cycle 2.The Rock Record 3.Geologic Time Scale 4.Plate Tectonics 5.Formation of the Earth’s Crust 6.Earthquakes 7.Volcanoes 3.Reshaping Earth’s Crust 1.Weathering and Erosion 2.River Systems 3.Groundwater 4.Glaciers 5.Ocean Floors and Currents 6.Weather Fronts 7.Climate Change * Order of topics may change
Classroom Rules: 1.Respect others 2.Use time wisely 3.Participate in class activities 4.Follow school rules 5.Bring your materials to class everyday Required Materials: Pen and pencil Colored pencils College ruled notebook paper 3 Ring binder with (5) tab dividers (labeled: Daily assignments, Tests/quizzes, Vocabulary, Labs, Notes) Spiral bound notebook Scientific calculator (doesn’t have to graph for this class, but it has to have exponent and log functions) Attendance: Students are expected to attend class everyday. Upon the 10 th unexcused absence, the student will receive an F grade and earn no credit. Upon return of an absence, student is responsible for obtaining all missing assignments and class notes from instructor. Upon the 3 rd tardy, students will be expected to attend an afterschool detention. Students are considered tarty when the bell rings and the student is not inside of the classroom. Class participation: It is a requirement to participate in class discussion and group work. Grades will be a reflection of class participation. Students will often be assigned to work in a group that will be selected by the teacher. Students will be given their assignment/group at the beginning of each class period and expected to work quietly with their group members. When You First Enter the Classroom: 1.Student must immediately go their assigned seat. Students are not allowed to wander around classroom. 2.Have assignment ready to turn in (with name, date, period, page number, problem numbers, and assignment number, at the top of page). 3.Begin daily practice problems as preparation for the day’s coursework. Lab use and Safety Procedures: Students are expected to follow all lab rules and safety procedures. Any student that is found breaking any of these procedures will be removed from the lab and will be given a different assignment. *Please see Lab Safety Contract Sign In-Sign Out Students must sign in and sign out when leaving or entering the classroom during class time.
Grading Criteria: Grades are based on the number of points accumulated vs. the number of possible points. The following percentages are as follows: A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, Fail=less than 60% Percentage Breakdown: Homework/Class Work Assignments % Tests & Quizzes % Finals % Participation % Homework/Projects: Homework and other written assignments may be submitted via . The assignment must be received by the teacher before the start of class. Any time after, will be considered late. Handwriting must be clear and legible to receive credit. Late/Missing Assignments and Exams: Assignments can be corrected for additional credit. Quizzes can be corrected for half credit. Assignments will not be accepted after the last day of the quarter. Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments may be offered throughout the year. Students may donate (1) box of Kleenex or (1) container of hand sanitizer for 10 daily assignment extra credit points. Academic Dishonesty: Any student caught cheating or copying will be given a “0” on the assignment, activity or test. Any student allowing this will also receive a “0”. Accommodations: Please see me or me if you require special accommodations due to learning disabilities, religious practices, physical requirements, medical needs, or any other reasons. By signing below you allow Mrs. Dawson to take pictures and videos of this student and their work to be displayed in the classroom for educational purposes. By signed below, you are also acknowledging that you have read and understand the expectations of this class, and you will be held responsible for guidelines and policies listed in this syllabus. Please sign and return to Mrs. Dawson. Student: Print name______________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date____________ Parent or Guardian: Print name______________________________ Signature ____________________________ Date____________