Cyber Language Education and Multimedia Tools
Introduction Learning Theories Online Language Course Design Synchronous Meeting Open Educational Resources Multimedia Tools
Theories Promote Active Learning through multi- modal experience (Arseneau & Bowden, 1989) Promote Deep Learning with engaging activities (Ramsden, Beswick & Bowden 1989) Use activities based on Krashen’s acquisition-learning hypothesis (2003) Create activities that circumvent Krashen’s affective filter hypothesis (2003)
Course Design Basic Structure: Reading: Textbook, DVD, Websites, News Assignment: Written Discussion: Textbook, Cultural, Current Topics Oral practice: Pronunciation Asynchronous & Synchronous: Discussion Forum Wimba Voiceboard Blackboard Collaborate
Asynchronous Wimba Voiceboard
Open Educational Resources What is OER (Open Educational Resources): OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re- purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge. – retrieved from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation ( Advantages: Cost Motivation Self-Paced Learning Instant Feedback
Mandarin Chinese Phonetics Table ( Open Resource
Interactive Map of China ( Open Resource
Flash Card Design ChineseFrench
Other Tools Chinese Stroke Orders Animation Cross Word Puzzle (Quiz) Open Course Ware (OCW) from other Universities for future or independent study Mobile Learning Tool
Conclusion Online Language Learning Success Interactive Language Activities Mentoring from Native Speakers Interactive Learning Environments Theory Driven Learning Objects When Possible Create Open Educational Resources to: Increase Student Access Encourage Global Collaboration