Chapter Activities That Promote Ethical and Socially Responsible Leaders Susan Krauss Whitbourne.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter Activities That Promote Ethical and Socially Responsible Leaders Susan Krauss Whitbourne

Ethics: What do We Mean in the Context of Psi Chi? Academic honesty Intellectual honesty Financial integrity Fairness in competition

What is Socially Responsible Leadership? Sensitivity to outside world Responsiveness to needs of your community Responsiveness to the needs of your members

APA Ethical Guidelines As future professional, will adhere to these guidelines However, as a student, you are also bound by their principles: –Research –Practice –Teaching

Case Examples At a chapter meeting, you overhear students discussing how they cheated to get an A on a physio psych exam Member wants to invite a member of a group with controversial views to speak, yet you fear this topic may be offensive Members decide to set up a textbook sharing program in which they do not have to buy books. Then they expand this to GRE prep books.

What Can you Do? Relevant Chapter Activities Develop service projects that are tied to the needs of the community Conduct workshops that promote awareness of academic integrity Provide incentives for members to participate in these activities