It’s all in the Details Working with Graphics
Importing Graphics In PageMaker, graphics can be inserted As inline graphics As independent graphics Independent graphics give you the most control Must have pointer tool selected when placing graphic for graphic to be independent (text tool = inline)
Formats for Graphics Vector graphic images Provide smoothest image because they’re based on connecting points with lines End with.WMF,.EPS,.AI,.CGM Raster graphic images Based on a grid; curves can appear jagged End with.TIF,.BMP,.GIF,.JPG A distorted graphic is the sign of an amateur designer.
Scanning Line art (all solid images — black & white) scan the best Original photos can be scanned for black & white images, not color images Grayscale images CAN NOT be scanned Photo reproductions (as in magazines) CAN NOT be scanned. Both of these create a moiré
PhotoShop PhotoShop is devoted to either changing the quantity or the color of pixels If image on your screen is 100%, you are viewing image at one image pixel = one screen pixel
Image Size Window Most helpful AND most dangerous window in the program! File size How many pixels the image contains Resolution Number of pixels that print per inch Dimensions of an image Physical width and height of the image when printed
Some Guidelines Remember … you have to KNOW how the digital image was created to know how much enlarging you can do Scanned? Digital camera? What MP? What quality? You can always make an image smaller Keep a backup, original copy in case you want the original size back
Mode of Images Digital images come in as RGB. Change to either Grayscale or CMYK in Image/Mode menu if photo for publication
Special items Character width: Stretch or compress text Tracking Hyphenation (-) En dash (–) Em dash (—) Bullet