OBAA STANDARD Where are we? Tiago Primo GIA – Grupo de Pesquisa em Inteligência Artificial UFRGS
First Stage (Base) First Stage Accomplishments A set of metadata based on LOM / IMS Extensions with: Technical Metadata Educational Metadata Accessibility Metadata Multimedia Segmentation Metadata Profiles Mandatory and Optional Approach Repository Federation ( FEB ) Dublin Core to OBAA conversion and index OBAA Native Linked with LUME ( Digital Repository UFRGS ) CESTA ( Learning Technologies repository ) OBAA ( Project repository ) BIOE ( International bank of educational objects ) BNDIGITAL ( Digita Brasil national library ) ENGEO ( Geotechnical engineering learning objects repository) ( Ongoing) Implementing OBAA Repositories OTICSSS ( Information Technologies and communication on Health Services and Systems)
Second Stage ( Consolidate ) OBAA Comunity OBAA MILOS OBAA PROJECT Openness Feedback Update Solicitation Profiles Catalog LO Discussion Prospection Multi Agent Infrastructure From 2010 to (ONLINE)
OBAA Learning Object Composition Content Description OBAA RIGHTS OBAA CORE OBAA ACCES S Metadata Scheme OBAA EDUC OBAA SEG OBAA OTHER
Why Profiles? Definition of metadata sets to help at the authoring process (PM) E.g. What metadata are necessary to accomplish maximum interoperability Provides a set of technical recommendations to help at the authoring process ( PT ) E.g. How a learning object must be designed to accomplish maximum interoperability OBAA Stamp Certification
OBAA Profiles Scheme OBAA CORE Mobile OBAA CORE Digital TV OBAA CORE WEB OBAA Digital TV + Mobile CORE OBAA Mobile + WEB CORE OBAA Digital TV + WEB CORE OBAA Profiles
OBAA CORE Current Stats PM Being collaboratively developed with: CINTED educational Experts Teachers of the public sector
OBAA CORE PT Contents of PT recommendations File Format instructions Image Size File Restrictions Size Restrictions CSS recommendation All the necessary information to help the Designer of Learning Objects
Samples obaa/exemplos-de-oa-convertidos-para-o-obaa Interoperable Learning Objects
Repository and Repository Federation Repository Federation Reuse of learning objects One place to find all LO’s through indexed repositories OBAA Native LDAP protocol (today) OAI Interface ( ongoing work ) DSPACE integration ( ongoing work ) Dublin Core to OBAA conversion OBAA Current Repository ( under development ) Build with DSPACE Technology FULL OBAA metadata schema Compatible with OAI communication protocol
OBAA Repository (Beta / Offline ) Build With DSPACE Compatible with other DSPACE repositories OBAA FULL Native
Repository Federation (ONLINE)
Learning Objects Interface Tool (BETA) Functionalities Uses OBAA Metadata Converts Dublin Core to OBAA Uses BIOE Objects Allow the users to search its LO repository Allows the catalog of new LO that are OBAA core compatible
OWL Ontology The OBAA standard metadata is already described on a OWL-DL Ontology and available for download. Metadata Profiles and Technical Recommendations Rules are being described
Stage 2 Ongoing Work Connects several repositories and provides a standard technical instruction based on OBAA Metadata Provides metadata and technical instructions to build Learning Objects OBAA compatible Popularize the OBAA Portal Refines the OBAA Ontology and add semantic metadata information Improving our metadata schema ( Accessibility, Rights, PM & PT) Privacy Issues
Stage 3 – Smart Environments Support (Next Step) Services / Communication FEB Authoring ITS Moodle Teleduc Recommendation Search APLICATIONS Standard __________________________________________________ __________ PM PT Selo STANDARDIZATION
OBAA Technical Playground Lab (Beta) FEB Rep X Rep Y Rep Z OAI Protocol Both Sides (DSPACE Alternative) Publish / Harvest Today ONE Side Only OBAA Ontology Service OBAA Profiles Service Semantic WEB Recommender Systems Authoring Tools Search Engine Moodle Other APPS 3 Rd Party Apps FOAF OpenID OBAA OWL Semantic Search OBAA Communication Language ( OAI ) Requests Through REP
OBAA Technical Sample Recommender System Profile ITS Ontology FEB Sample Steps Recover a FOAF/OBAA profile through OAI Communication Recover a OWL Ontology ( Apply reasoning algorithms to understand the context of the user) The ITS will filter all the possible recommendations and search on external repositories ( through OAI ) other possible LO to recommend The user receives a personalized recommendation independent of ITS, since that ITS uses the OBAA structure.
Partners These people are betting on OBAA