The Roots of American Government
Constitution A plan of government = maps out the structures & powers of govt. A plan of government = maps out the structures & powers of govt.
Constitutional Government Limited government based on the rule of law. Limited government based on the rule of law. 2 Types 2 Types –written –unwritten
Written vs. Unwritten Constitutions Written Political Stability Political Stability Undergoes change very rarely. Undergoes change very rarely. Controversial because of different interpretations. Controversial because of different interpretations. Unwritten Developed through custom & tradition Developed through custom & tradition Flexible Flexible Does not clearly say govt. powers Does not clearly say govt. powers
Characteristics of Colonial America Vast Land; diverse & expanding population Vast Land; diverse & expanding population Colonies had own representative legislatures Colonies had own representative legislatures The South: Plantations & Slavery The South: Plantations & Slavery North: Trade & Engineering North: Trade & Engineering
What did the Founders Learn About Government? Classical philosophers: humans are social & have obligations to their community = civic virtue Classical philosophers: humans are social & have obligations to their community = civic virtue John Locke’s Natural Rights: all people are born with rights to life, liberty, and property. People form government to protect rights & overthrow it when it fails John Locke’s Natural Rights: all people are born with rights to life, liberty, and property. People form government to protect rights & overthrow it when it fails
English history: monarchy can evolve into a free government of the people. English history: monarchy can evolve into a free government of the people. American colonial history: local self-govt. can coexist with a distant central government, American colonial history: local self-govt. can coexist with a distant central government, –unrest can occur if people believe central govt. is abusing its power.
What forms of Government could the founders choose from? Aristotle’s Forms of government Aristotle’s Forms of government Rule of Right Form Corrupt Form OneMonarchyTyranny FewAristocracyOligarchy Many Polity* (mixed) Direct Democracy
Polity: A Mixed Constitution Govt. ruled by both the rich and the poor Govt. ruled by both the rich and the poor The basis of Classical Republicanism The basis of Classical Republicanism Influenced Renaissance and Enlightenment concept of Republicanism. Influenced Renaissance and Enlightenment concept of Republicanism. Fits our modern definition of democracy. Fits our modern definition of democracy.
Montesquieu defined England as a mixed constitution. Glorious Revolution (1688) made England a Constitutional Monarchy. Glorious Revolution (1688) made England a Constitutional Monarchy. House of Lords = landed aristocracy, held most power until mid-1800s. House of Lords = landed aristocracy, held most power until mid-1800s. House of Commons = represented the lower classes, but only upper- middle class. House of Commons = represented the lower classes, but only upper- middle class.
R epublic Representative government. Representative government. Roman Republic had an unwritten mixed constitution after 287 BC. Roman Republic had an unwritten mixed constitution after 287 BC. British Parliament & Colonial Assemblies were examples of representative govts. British Parliament & Colonial Assemblies were examples of representative govts.
S o why didn’t the Founders want direct democracy? The Many would oppress the Few. The Many would oppress the Few. Private Property wouldn’t be protected Private Property wouldn’t be protected Representative govt. = many interests Representative govt. = many interests