NEW UNIT! Launching and Changing the Early Republic NOTEBOOKS OUT!
Remember our timeline…
A New Republic I.What did the American Revolution & the Constitution mean? A.The Spirit of 1776 The Declaration of Independence No more monarchy Equality, Liberty, and Independence Republicanism: limit central power All men are created equal Beware the tyranny of central government. B.The Spirit of 1787 The Constitution No more monarchy Equality, Liberty, and Independence Republicanism: construct central power A “natural aristocracy" of men with virtues & talents Beware the tyranny of the masses.
Copy these names in your notebook and as you watch the movie, write down main points of each of the characters and their beliefs about government (domestic or foreign policy). Leave several spaces between each name to take notes. John Adams Abigail Adams George Washington Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson
II. What did politics look like in the new Republic?
A.The Man: George Washington (inaugurated in 1789) Reluctant leader, but with a supreme sense of duty and great charisma. Obsessed with manners & how to act “presidential.” Surrounded himself with smart advisors (even ones who didn’t agree with each other)
THOMAS JEFFERSONALEXANDER HAMILTON B. Battle of Ideas in Washington’s cabinet: versus (Secretary of State)(Secretary of the Treasury)
THOMAS JEFFERSONALEXANDER HAMILTON B. Whose ideas battled within Washington’s cabinet? A limited national government. America’s best people = virtuous citizen farmers. Economy based on farming. Wants to pay off all debts and limit government banking. A unique, agrarian Republic of virtue versus (Secretary of State)(Secretary of the Treasury) A powerful national government. America’s best people = The educated elites. Economy based on commerce & manufactures. Wants the government to assume debt to get support of businessmen. A powerful world competitor like Britain.
C. Political Parties: men group off into political parties even though many people think that it’s a bad habit. 2 major parties form: Democratic-Republicans Limited government. Strict reading of the Constitution. Agrarian economy. Lots of participation by “common people” Federalists Strong government. Loose reading of the Constitution. Commercial economy trust in elite control VS.
THOMAS JEFFERSONALEXANDER HAMILTON versus (Secretary of State)(Secretary of the Treasury)
This 1798 cartoon depicts a fight that broke out on the floor of the United States House of Representatives between Matthew Lyon (center), an Irish immigrant and Republican congressman from Vermont, and Roger Griswold (right), an American- born Federalist from Connecticut.
"They wanted me to be another Washington." - Napoleon Bonaparte