B/K/Si or B/Ca/Si Announcements Office Hours Honors Chairs
Agenda Catalyst Announcements Naviance Lesson w/ Erin Knott! PoL Prep
General Format minutes TOTAL: – 5-6 minutes for Chem – 5-6 minutes for Math 8-10 minutes of Q & A time depending on detail and execution of presentation
What should our evidence look like?? – ALL digital (on the PPT) – Need a tangible copy of everything scanned in a folder that you bring with you the day of your presentation. – Think of this as “backup” in case of any “technical difficulties” Do not rely solely on your flash drive! your work to yourself for backup!
Guidelines If you are not prepared to present at your given day and time, you will not have a chance to represent and will receive a zero. You must be prepared to present up to an hour before your scheduled time. During this time, you must be in the presentation room!
Powerpoint & Notecards Both permitted – However, if you rely on these, you will be required to redo your PoL. NO. EXCEPTIONS. – Main Points and Big Ideas recommended.
CHEMISTRY Title page: Liquid Interactions photo Must present on AT LEAST ONE of the following: – Unit 4: Chemical Bonding – Unit 5: Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry If you have time/need to show further mastery: – Unit 6: Gas Laws & Intermolecular Forces
Unit 4: Bonding What are Metals? Non-metals? Metalloids? Three types of bonds: – Metallic: Definition, ramifications (i.e., what can metals do because of metallic bonds?) – Ionic: Definition – Covalent: Definition – Including difference between Ionic and Covalent Lewis Dot Structures – How do we map how electrons interact in different kinds of bonds? – Ionic: Diagram & Formula – Covalent: Diagram, Structure, Type of Bond, & Formula
Unit 5: Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry Balancing Chemical Reactions – How do we do it? – Why do we need to do it (i.e. what law does this support?)? – Example Stoichiometry – What is a mole? – Explain the map (grams, moles, molecules, Liters of gas) – Examples (1-step, 2-step, 3-step)
Unit 6: Gas Laws & Intermolecular Forces What happens to the volume of gases when they heat up? When they cool down? What is electronegativity? – How can you judge different atoms’ electronegativities? Polar vs. Non-polar Different types of intermolecular forces – Strength?
Last Slide What grade do you think you deserve in this class? Why? Be specific!!