'The Regional Dimension – Financing Energy Projects in Rural Areas' 8:00-12: June 2013 – The House of the Dutch Provinces Carlos Miró, Policy Officer Source: Phaesun
1. The off-grid market: a land of opportunities "We are proud to be a member of the Alliance, which brings together energy professionals since 2006 to address a fundamentally important global issue, especially in this year of ‘Sustainable Energy for All’. There is a great deal of talk about rural electrification, but ARE is doing something about it.” Ernesto Macías, CEO, WonderEnergy, President of ARE
2. Leveraging impact through synergies We are the international business association in the world representing off-grid renewable energies technologies for rural electrification. It is our objective to better position the private sector and to enable business development in developing countries and emerging markets We serve as a global platform for sharing knowledge and best practices to enhance energy access (e.g. hydro, solar, wind) and services (e.g. light). We enjoy more than 70 members from industry, academia and public sector. We promote members’ interests by three service lines: Business & Intelligence Support Public Affairs Support Administration Support 3 ARE Background
3. Benefitting from access to sector intelligence worldwide 4
4. Rural power markets in developing countries Big niche: ~1.1 bn people Demand Remote Geographically scattered Low and irregular income Low demand needs Supply: Low local content Lack of feasibility info Finance related challenges: Poor access to financing No risk mitigation schemes 5
5. Off-grid RETs essential to tackle energy poverty Grid extension: Often unviable Off-grid diesel: Higher LCOEs due to high OPEX Important for backup Off grid RETs: Cheapest over the system’s lifetime Technologies ready to be deployed Bus. and fin. models ready Applications of off-grid RETs: 1: basic service x isol. households 2: ~grid-tied service x isol. comm s 6 Additional 952 TWh needed to achieve universal electricity access by Individual 2. Mini- grids Source: UNF, EAPN, June 2012 Source: Trama TecnoAmbiental
6. Triggers to enhance business Leveraging impacts by blending resources and reducing transaction costs through upscaling Need for risk mitigation mechanisms and credit lines Coherent approach of public & private sector interests from the start Need for smart regulatory framework Applying proven best practices and available business cases Need for training and awareness creation schemes Making use of existing business opportunities to enhance further business options Need for more donor-driven market intelligence 7 The better way forward towards upscaling & replication
7. Financial & Business models Tariff model (cost-reflective) Economically viable Financially viable Subsidy (Ensure tariff affordability) One-off subsidies (CAPEX) Transitional or Ongoing subsidies (OPEX) Public support to financing: Risk mitigation Public finance (credit lines at lower rates) Support to commercial banks 8 Business models CAPEXOPEX Service Operator Utility Public Tariffs (subsidized) Public Private CommunityPublicCommunity Source: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, October 2012
8. EU Funding instruments Energy access very high on the EU agenda, mainly due to UN SE4ALL European Commission, Agenda For Change European Parliament, Resolution on Energy Access (strong focus on off-grid RETs) EUMS also very involved: Germany, France, Austria, UK Two main EU funding instruments managed by DG DEVCO ACP-EU Energy Facility DCI ENRTP Challenges: Need for more NSS consultation Focus remains on large scale (e.g. Africa-EU ITF, GEEREF, EU Del. funds) Need for more involvement from the EU public finance sector (EIB) 9
Conclusions 10 Big potential for off-grid RETs in rural areas of developing countries However, in many countries, rural power markets are inexistent Technologies, financial and business models ready to be upscaled Principle for project success: special tariff scheme (normally subsidised) Thus, public sector is crucial (tariff + subsidy + ease access to finance) International (EU) donors key at providing funds for the mentioned programmes
Alliance for Rural Electrification Photo (appropriate to topic) Rue d’Arlon Renewable Energy House – 1040, Brussels, Belgium Source: Phaesun Feel free to visit us at our ARE new office in the Renewable Energy House as of 1 st July 2013 Thank you for your attention!!!