Galileo Concierge Live! Increasing your Revenue Through Non-traditional Distribution Christine DeZarn Regional Director, Hotel and Car Distribution Sue O’Hearn-Brennan Galileo Hotel Product Manager July 11, 2007
Agenda >What is a “non-traditional” distributor Who are they? How is my market changing? >How do I talk to non-traditional distributors? What is JumpStart? Why do I need it, and how do I get it? What is Complete Pricing Plus? Why do I need it, and how do I get it? >Frequently asked questions >Additional questions
What is a Non-traditional Distributor? >Traditional Distributor Travel agency, full-service or limited service Compensated primarily by commission Supplier pays all distribution costs “Travel professional” interaction, usually involves human intervention throughout selling process >Non-Traditional Distributor Tour operator, specialty online retailer, destination portal Compensated by net + mark-up, sometimes commission Distributor is willing to share cost of distribution for content that otherwise requires offline management processes, fax, etc. Consumer-direct or B2B interaction, rarely involves human intervention throughout selling process
How is my market changing? >Traditional distributors are decreasing in number Consolidating Differentiating to non-traditional models >Non-traditional distributors are increasing in number Focused on consumer behaviors, online destination research Targeting individuals with buying discretion (leisure) Wholly reliant upon the “structure” of data received Willing to pay for automated shopping and reservations Taking on risk due to e-commerce legalities
How do I work with non-traditional distributors? >What is JumpStart? Distributor uses Galileo Web Services, an interface used by software developers to build custom software and web sites Distributors share the booking cost with suppliers for inventory and rates currently accessed by fax or offline processes Controlled by Pseudo City Code, normal Galileo processes >Why should I be concerned about data “structure”? Today’s Non-traditional distributors can not easily conduct business without it (and in some cases can not conduct business at all) >What’s in it for me? More points of distribution and specialty consumer targeting mean more bookings Cost savings for the property Data transparency
How do I reach non-traditional distributors? >Activate “Inside Shopper” if not already in place >Agree to make negotiated and FIT rates available for participating JumpStart distributors >Ensure your data appears in the correct fields (not a given!) >Educate properties and GDS departments on consumer “self- service” use of GDS data, implications >Respond to address consumer service issues appropriately and quickly, if they occur (help distributors manage risks!) >Commit to adopt expansion of data provision, to include all taxes and service fees, triple/quad occupancy, pricing for children, extra bedding, meal plans, room views and other important leisure data elements for consumer shopping!
How Do I Commit? … to adopt expansion of rates and data elements for consumer shopping??? … especially when the GDS restricts the data I can send? Restricted No Longer with RoomMaster’s Complete Pricing Plus
What is Complete Pricing Plus? Project Initiated to Meet Expressed Needs of: 1.HEDNA Leisure Committee: –“Can’t market /sell leisure products adequately thru GDS 2.Agencies –Can’t shop/book leisure through automated systems – have to call property majority of time due to uncertainty regarding: –Room View –Meals Included –Bedding Configuration –Total Rate, including children Requirements Validated by: –Supplier and Agency Focus groups –Major Internet Booking Engine (IBE)
What is Complete Pricing Plus? It is…. the Next Generation of Hotel Pricing
What is Complete Pricing Plus? FEATURES: >Enhanced Pricing on Property Availability Displays – Complete Price Plus can include all taxes, surcharges, rate changes, PLUS Age-Specific Children Pricing Extra Bedding Pricing (Cribs, Beds, Roll Aways) Extra Adult Pricing >+ Indicator-Defined Room Descriptive data on Property Availability* and Rule Displays Open Travel Defined Codes for Room View, Meals included, Bedding Configuration, Smoking >+ Indicator-Defined Rule Data on Property Availability* and Rule Displays Indicators for: Credentials required, Rate Category, Commissionable, Deposit/Prepay/Guarantee Formatted Deposit, Guarantee, Prepayment and Cancel Policies >+ Multiple Room Availability* Indicator >+ Expanded Rate Data* (rate breakout, rate components) *Enhanced Feature for Structured Data Users
Complete Pricing Plus BENEFITS: Significantly Enhances/Facilitates: 1.Leisure distribution Cost of Children, extra beds included upfront Key Room data is confirmed (view, meals, bedding configuration) at availability and stored in booking 2.Distribution through on-line channels Formatted/indicator driven data allows IBEs to identify best rates for customer and/or filter rates not appropriate 3.Multi-lingual distribution Indicators allows key room and rule data to be displayed in IBE language of choice
Why Do I Want Complete Pricing Plus? 1.Competitive Edge IBEs - often limit content to chains with preferred functionality and/or provide these chains with more favorable merchandising Agency preference for chains that support higher levels of functionality 2. Reduced Customer Service Issues Traveler arrives at hotel with documented knowledge of: Complete Price (including applicable “extra options” charges, rate changes, taxes/surcharges) Applicable Room View and Meal information Requested Bedding configuration Guarantee/Deposit/Cancel policies 3.Reduced System Hits IBEs obtain required data from Property Availability response – reduces need for Rules queries to obtain rate breakdown, deposit/cancel requirements, etc..
Complete Pricing Plus - How Do I Get It? Current Status: General Release in all markets YESTERDAY (July 10 th ) Launch Partners - Supranational Hotels and Columbus Reservation Service via Wizcom Switch Pegasus Switch - in development, targeted October 2007 Minimal Participation Pre-requisites: Triples and Quads Complete Pricing Key Functional Pre-requisites: Pricing / validation of pricing qualifiers (i.e., children, bedding) on Property Availability Return of mandatory room/rule data indicators on Property Availability If Interested - Contact your Relationship Manager
FAQ’s Q: What effort is required on the hotel’s side to participate in Complete Price Plus? A: There are both participation prerequisites and functional requirements that must be met that I mentioned previously. More detailed information can be found in the data format guide. Because this is an industry leading enhancement, it’s likely that your CRS interface will require development - but also likely that the development can be leveraged to enhance functionality on your chain web site. Q: Who participates in JumpStart? A: A current list is always on the supplier secured site
Additional Questions?
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