Facilitator Ken Newlands Txt Office 172 – 3021 open plan - appointment
Welcome and agenda overview Baseload measurement Csikszentmihlian stressometer Moodle Intro to aim, structure, scope, content… see course document short and long version Introduction to course facilitator Review text W&H Ch1 Collect job application forms, allocation teams Discussion: Strategy in recent news, How to prep for next classes End of class measurement, class suggestions Conclusion What is strategy?
Strategists create the future, Lead our organisation to a superior position Lead in thought, analysis judgment Lead through actions commitment of resources Lead thru anticipation and responses to actions and strategies of others “The aim of strategy is simple, the task is complex” Dr Peter Mellalieu. Stratos ‘The art of the general’ Chinese general Sun Tsu – 50 principles inc ‘win without fighting’ ‘shape you opponents strategy’
1980’s Volvo Sony, Interface flooring, Assidoman forestry : built strategic competencies for environmentally sustainable approaches Increasing pressure to adopt environmentally sustainable approaches Explore to what extent the issues of sustainability determining company strategy? What opportunities and challenges are NZ companies facing? How are they developing strategy? Prepare an appropriate strategic initiative for the organisation responding to challenges and opportunities Welcome to Strategy BSNS7340
Course information excerpt 26 pages Course Handbook 65 pages Assignments Available from Unitec Moodle site Have you used Moodle before? Has your stress level changed? Hard copies can be made available if you wish?
Moodle 5B74CCFC3C7B 5B74CCFC3C7B “ Moodle provides an online learning environment for your courses where your lecturers can post assignments, lesson notes, course materials and resources, and facilitate discussions with you and your classmates.” Login to Moodle here. Login to Moodle here Other useful resources include Student FAQ eg login ? Student FAQ
I am going to use the Moodle site to guide us through the studio activities. However backup plan Prepare for Studio One – were you able to prepare? Course Outlines short excerpt and long version Job application – collect at break, spares avail. Shifting Frontiers Reading– How would you answer the question about global warming?
An A+ assignment – Revisit during semester Scribd repository a challenge? Facebook account? Lisa Gansky “The future of business… z%2Fmod%2Fresource%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D z%2Fmod%2Fresource%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D73616 Sir Ken Robinson “Do schools kill creativity” %2Fmod%2Fresource%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D %2Fmod%2Fresource%2Fview.php%3Fid%3D73616 Your news of Strategy ? Add them to the course Wiki
Hand in your Job Application forms Allocation of assignment 2 project teams Discussion of Strategic news stories Next week Go back and complete any outstanding items from preparation for studio one Update your head and shoulders photo and bio details Read Chapter 1 and 2 Library visit – courses Endnote, Study skills… Update your Csikszentmihalian stressometer Conclusion: Any questions?