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First President of the United States
Who was George Washington?
John Adams
Who was the 2 nd President of the United States?
James Madison
Who was the Father of the Constitution?
Rhode Island
What colony did not send a delegate to the Constitutional Convention?
Thomas Jefferson
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Philadelphia, PA
What was the site of the Constitutional Convention?
Articles of Confederation
What was America’s first Constitution?
Shay’s Rebellion
What event ignited the need to revise the Articles of Confederation?
Three part Government
What is the system of Checks and Balances?
Concurrent Powers
What are powers shared by the federal and state government?
September 17, 1787
When is Constitution Day?
December 15, 1791
When was the Bill of Rights ratified?
April 6, 1789
When was George Washington elected as the first President of the United States of America?
August 18, 1920
When was women’s suffrage?
May 7, 1992
When was the last amendment ratified and added to the Constitution?
Philadelphia, PA
Where was the Constitutional Convention held in 1787?
Washington, DC
Where is the Capitol of the United States of America?
Lexington Green
Where was the “shot heard round the world”?
The Old North Church
Where were the lanterns located to signal the British are coming?
Yorktown, VA
Where did Cornwallis surrender to Washington?
Composition of the Senate
Why does each state have two Senators?
Self Governed
Why do we call our form of government a republic?
To Interpret the Laws
Why do we have a Judicial Branch?
Article V in the Constitution
Why do we need a system to amend the Constitution?
Alexander Hamilton offered the American monarchy to Prince Henry of Prussia
Why did America almost have a King instead of a President?