The Gas Giant Planets
Origin of name: From the king of the gods, Zeus or Jupiter
Orbit: Radius 5.20 AU [period 11.9 yr, eccentricity 0.05]. from space, its moons look like a complex miniature solar system.
Size: 11.2 Earth radii, 318 Earth masses More mass than all the other planets together Low density
Composition Mostly H 2 (70%) Dense core Surrounding layer of liquid metallic hydrogenmetallic hydrogen
Thin ring system
Magnetic field 14 times stronger than Earth's Filled with energetic charged particles emitting radio waves Deformed by the solar wind, has a long tail extending beyond the orbit of Saturn!
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Great red spot A thunderstorm larger than Earth At least 300 years old
Moons At least 63 4 large moons called the Galilean moons, discovered by Galileo
Io, Io Europa, Europa Ganymede (largest moon in Solar System, larger than Mercury) Callisto. Callisto
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Distance of 9.5 A.U. from Earth 95 Earth masses 9.4 Earth radii
Atmosphere Hydrogen (94%) Small amounts of helium (6%) and methane
school-saturn.html school-saturn.html
Cassini –Huygens spacecraft
Saturn’s rings Made of particles and water ice
Saturn’s Moons 50 known moons (the most recent ones announced in 2005) Pan (20 km in diameter) Titan
Seen by Huygens in 1655 Bigger than Mercury Thick atmosphere (with N, Ar, methane, ammonia, and 470 mph winds!) May have lakes of liquid methane and pre-life conditions
Discovered by William Hershel in 1781
Almost 20 AU from the Sun 4 times the Earth's size 29 known moons, likely more Atmosphere is mostly H and He Thin ring system
first planet found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical observation (1846)empirical observation Urbain Le Verrier
Orbit: Radius about 30 AU More distant than Pluto 4 times the Earth's size 17 times the mass Smaller and more massive than Uranus.
Atmosphere 80% hydrogenhydrogen 19% heliumhelium Trace of methane
Great Dark Spot
1. Upper atmosphere, top clouds. 2. Atmosphere consisting of hydrogen, helium, and methane gas. 3. Mantle consisting of water, ammonia, and methane ices. 4. Core consisting of rock (silicates and nickel-iron).
13 known moons Proteus Triton
Pluto Not visible with the naked eye Predicted in the 1800‘s Observed in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh
Named by Venetia Phair
Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, are sometimes treated as a binary systemCharonbinary system
Pluto's orbit is highly inclined relative to the ecliptic (over 17°) and highly eccentric (elliptical)inclinedeccentricelliptical
Pluto from Hubble
Kuiper belt
Home to at least three dwarf planets – Pluto, Haumea, and Makemakedwarf planetsPluto HaumeaMakemake 70,000+ objects over 100 km (62 mi) in diameter