What is the Internet? Internet: The Internet, in simplest terms, is the large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another. These computers are connected by phone lines, fiber optic lines, coaxial cable, satellites, and wireless connections. – When you log on to the Internet you are given access to many of the other computers that are connected around the world. IP Address: Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP Address. A typical IP address looks like this: To find out your computers IP Address click hereclick here
Internet History ARPANET: (Advanced Research Projects Agency) was created by the US Defense Dpt. In NSFnet: (National Science Foundation Network) NSFnet replaced ARPANET as the main government network linking universities and research facilities in Internet: In 1995 the NSF dismantled NSFnet and replaced it with what we know as the Internet.
How do you connect to the Internet? Internet Service Provider (ISP): Allows the user access to the Internet through their server. Some examples: America Online, Earthlink, telephone companies, or cable companies. To connect to an Internet server you will need a computer, modem, and a telephone line. In most areas, cable modems or DSL are available for high-speed access to the Internet. Access: A way to get online. – Dial up – Cable – DSL – Satellite – WiFi – Other types of access
The World Wide Web and Web 2.0 World Wide Web (The Read Only Web): A system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them by using hyperlinks. Web 2.0 (The Read/Write Web): An expression used to describe the changes that have taken place in the usage and applications available on the Internet
Interesting Facts… The Web and the Internet are NOT the same thing; the internet is made up of equipment that makes the transfer of data possible; the www is made up of documents, sound, graphics and video. Connections on the Internet are connections between hardware (cables, satellites etc); connections on the Web are links between objects The Web organizes and displays information in a user friendly way. The Web is an abstract place where information is.
Web Terms Web Browser : An application designed for viewing Websites and displaying Web graphics and documents. Example: Internet Explorer – Parts of a Web Browser Menu bar Address Window Status Bar – How a Web Browser Displays a Home Page Click the Web browser program name to start the browser Behind the scenes, the browser looks up its home page setting. The browser communicates with a server maintained by your ISP. The server translates the domain name of the home page to an IP address and then sends the IP address to your computer. The browser uses the IP address to contact the server associated with the home page and then requests the home page from the server. The server sends the home page to the browser, which formats the page for display on your screen. Web Server : A program that waits patiently for browsers to request a Web page. Web site: A collection of related Web documents that a Web server makes available to the public. Home Page : The page that’s displayed automatically when a user enters the site. Web page: Individual Web documents. – Static: Fixed – Dynamic: Changing Uniform Resource Locator (URL): A unique address for a Website.
Finding information on the Web Subject Guide : Subject guides group web pages under headings like: Business, Sports, and News. You have to keep clicking buttons till you get to where you want to be Search Engine: A type of software application that locates key words or phrases on the Web. Two major types of search engines: – Subject Search Engine: Lets you search the Web for a particular topic of interest. Ex: Google, Ask, AltaVista – Site Specific Search Engine: is installed on a specific Website that enables you to search for information stored only on that particular Website. Ex: Disney.com, Biography.com, JCPenny.com
Digital Tools on Web 2.0 are a new set of tools that allow users to collaborate ideas through new mediums of expression.
A digital tool can be a type of hardware, a software application or a web application. Digital tools can be used to help you: – Create – Communicate – Demonstrate – Evaluate and Analyze – Understand and Learn – Remember
Examples of Digital Tools for Learning Blog Wiki Podcast Video Sharing Presentation Software Spreadsheet Software Hotlist Digital Camera Document Camera
The predicted third generation of the World Wide Web. It will be about the meaning of data, personalization, intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.
List of trends for Web 3.0 The Semantic Web The 3D Web The Media-Centric Web The Pervasive Web
The Semantic Web A Web where machines can read sites as easily as humans read them. For example, you can ask your machine to check your schedule against the schedules of all the dentists and doctors within a 10-mile radius and it’ll do it.
The 3D Web A Web you can walk through. Without leaving your desk, you can go house hunting across town or take a tour of Europe. Or you can walk through a Second Life-style virtual world, surfing for data and interacting with others in 3D.
The Media-Centric Web A Web where you can find media using other media-not just keywords. You supply, say, a photo of your favorite painting and your search engines turn up hundreds of similar paintings.
The Pervasive Web A Web that's everywhere. On your PC. On your cell phone. On your clothes and jewelry. Spread throughout your home and office. Even your bedroom windows are online, checking the weather, so they know when to open and close.