Thursday, 17 September 2015 Mr Daly To da y The definition of Human Rights The development and recognition of Human Rights Human Rights Definition and.


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Presentation transcript:

Thursday, 17 September 2015 Mr Daly To da y The definition of Human Rights The development and recognition of Human Rights Human Rights Definition and Development Finish State Library Access WALT

Thursday, 17 September 2015 Mr Daly The Definition of Human Rights There are four qualities which define a Human Right Enjoyed by all regardless of nationality, race, gander or status Universal All Human rights are equally important Indivisible These rights are the birthright of all humans Inherent They can not be given up or taken away Inalienable

Thursday, 17 September 2015 Mr Daly The Human Rights Hierarchy Universal, Indivisible, Inherent, Inalienable Civil and Political Economic, Social and Cultural Environmental, Peace and Self determination Use a whole page, leave a space under this diagram

Thursday, 17 September 2015 Mr Daly The Definition of Human Rights There are Three types of Human Rights Civil Freedom of thought, Freedom of Religion Political Full participation in government Civil and Political EconomicFreedom to produce, develop and manage necessities of life SocialAccess to education and association Culturalpreserving and enjoying ones cultural heritage Economic, Social and Cultural Collective RightsBelong to a group of people and the wider community EnvironmentalThe right to environmental conservation PeaceThe freedom from war and persecution Self determinationThe right for peoples to govern themselves Environmental, Peace and Self determination Where does this NOT exist?

Thursday, 17 September 2015 Mr Daly What or where are these rights outlined in? The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 Universal Indivisible Inherent Inalienable Civil and Political International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 Economic, Social and Cultural International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966 Environmental, Peace and Self determination Kyoto Protocol 1998 Declaration on the Right of People to Peace 1984 Declaration on the rights of Indigenous People 2006

Thursday, 17 September 2015 Mr Daly Where do these rights belong? The right to life, liberty and security of person The right to freedom of slavery The right to equality before the law The right to asylum The right to opinion and expression The right to equal pay for equal work The right to education The right to an adequate standard or living The right to leave and return to one’s country Civil and Political Economic, Social and Cultural Environmental Peace and Self determination Cutting Greenhouse Emissions Reducing CFC’s

Thursday, 17 September 2015 Mr Daly Activity Define Human Rights They are fundamental, to which every human being is entitled. They are universal, indivisible, inherent and inalienable They are recognised at an international level through; 1.The Charter of the United nations The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 There are three types 1.Civil and Political 2.Economic, Social and Cultural 3.Collective; Environmental, Peace and Self-determination S.E.X.E ORT.E.E.L Statement, Expand, Example, Evaluate Topic Sentence, Explain, Evidence, Link