GENESIS Chapter 39 THE SEDUCTION OF JOSEPH I.Introduction A.Young Joseph. 1.Genesis 37:36
2.His brother’s, were jealous. a)They wanted to kill him. B.Joseph is about 17 years old. 1.Last week, the sins of Judah.
a)Joseph has just been sold. II.Genesis 39:1-6 A.Potiphar was a top ranking officer! 1.A wise investment for Potiphar.
2.Everything Joseph touched “turned to gold.” a)The Lord’s hand is upon Joseph! b)He is in his Father’s will! 3.Joseph put in charge of Potiphar’s entire household.
a)Potiphar didn’t worry about anything! (1)It was a big job! (2)Joseph managed his entire estate. (a) Joseph was CEO. (b) He was also good looking.
III.Genesis 39:7-9 A.Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him. 1.Her husband trusted him! 2.Verse 9 a)He loved the Lord!
b)Joseph could have covered his tracks. (1)Joseph loved the Lord and that kept him from sin! (a)Psalm 119:11 (b)John 1:1 (c)He loved the Lord more than sin!
3.He was a man of integrity. a)Decide now how you will react when sin knocks! (1)Sin pretty persistent. IV.Genesis 39:10-18
A. “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.” 1.She accused him of attempted rape. 2.His innocence is not going to matter! a)If with the wrong woman – you are in trouble!
b) “How do I know if it is the wrong woman?” c)Easy to tell. (1)Wedding ring on her finger! 3.Having lunch with people that are not their spouses.
a)Just a mater of time. (1)1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 (2) If it “looks” wrong – DON’T DO IT! B.Potiphar is not pleased.
V.CONCLUSION A.Genesis 39: This godly man, finds himself in the King’s prison. a)The Lord is supposed to bless the righteous.
b)The Lord has a plan. c)The Lord’s work often unconventional. (1)For Moses, 40 years in the desert. (2)For Joseph, an unloving family. (3)For Jesus an unloving world.
(a)Most never get their “Master’s degree” in Christianity. (b)The Lord makes great leaders!