Population of 180 million Two-thirds under the age of 30 42% below poverty line 30% of GDP from Small and Medium enterprises
(million no.) Labour force Employed Unemployed Source: Economic Survey of Pakistan
Self-sufficient Proactive Creative Initiators Confident Ownership
110/189 in the ease of doing business 73/189 on getting credit 91/189 on trading across border 105/189 in starting a business Source: Doing Business 2014
Lack of supporting legal framework Lack of sustainability due to absence of mergers and acquisitions Absence of R&D culture Inhibiting infrastructure (energy in particular) Government regulations on trade Cultural barriers Lack of access of aspiring entrepreneurs to mentors/role models Lack of scaling up opportunities
Give recommendations to policymakers based on science/research
Create a forum to bring together policymakers, entrepreneurs, business mentors, academia, venture capitalists, private equity investors and expats to propose solutions Centre for Entrepreneurial Development of the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE) at NUST The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE)
Meetings with successful entrepreneurs Exposure to similar forums in the US What works/what doesn’t Access to a large network of professionals More knowledge about Pakistan from a group of religiously, geographically, and ethnically diverse, enthusiastic young Pakistani leaders Possible collaboration with other fellows