Finland’s national system for estimating, reporting and archiving greenhouse gas inventory information UNFCCC Workshop on National Systems under Article 5, paragraph 1 of the Kyoto Protocol Wissenshaftszentrum, Bonn, Germany
11 April 20052Riitta Pipatti Contents Finland’s national system background institutional, legal and procedural arrangements Inventory planning, preparation and management responsibilities approval process archiving
11 April 20053Riitta Pipatti Background The national greenhouse gas inventory reporting and monitoring system has been built up since 1990s (working groups under the Ministry of Environment) Decision in principle of the Government of defined the tasks of different authorities in national climate policy Statistics Finland to become the national entity with the overall responsibility for the national GHG inventory no new legislation needed
11 April 20054Riitta Pipatti Background Transitional arrangements until end 2004 Project for creating sufficient capacity in Statistics Finland Agreements with other agencies and institutions participating in the inventory preparation Agreements with participating ministries on responsibilites and support for the national system National system operationalised formally in January 2005
11 April 20055Riitta Pipatti Institutional and legal arrangements Statistics Finland national entity with the overall responsibility for the national GHG inventory national authority for the official statistics of Finland independency access to information close collaboration with producers of activity data, e.g. energy, industrial and waste statistics
11 April 20056Riitta Pipatti Institutional and legal arrangements Participating institutes: Finnish Environment Institute, Finnish Forest Research Institute, MTT Agrifood Research Finland expert/research organisations - good knowledge base on the sector and source/sink categories in question - good possibilities to further improve and develop the methodologies participated in inventory preparation also earlier signed agreements specifying responsibilities and tasks (agreements) reporting categories, activity data, methodologies (tiers), timing of the reporting, etc.
11 April 20057Riitta Pipatti Institutional and legal arrangements Other assignments and projects transportation (VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Aviation Agency) - annual contribution specific issues under development - on demand uncertainty estimates and key source analysis small-scale combustion (NMVOCs) Non-CO 2 GHGs from energy production (measurement project) etc.
11 April 20058Riitta Pipatti Inventory protocols and responsible organisations List of protocols A. Stationary sources (fuel combustion in point sources, such as power plants, heating boilers, industrial combustion plants and processes) B. Mobile sources (transport and off road machinery) C. Other fuel combustion (agriculture, households, services, public sector, etc.) D. Fugitive emissions from energy production and distribution E. Emissions from industrial processes F. Emissions of F-gases G. Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) H. Emissions from agriculture (non-combustion emissions) I. Emissions from land use and land use change J. Emissions from waste treatment K. Other emissions Responsible organisation A. Statistics Finland B. Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) C. Statistics Finland D. Statistics Finland E. Statistics Finland F. Finnish Environment Institute G. Finnish Environment Institute H. Agrifood Research Finland (MTT) I. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Agrifood Research Finland J. Finnish Environment Institute K. Statistics Finland
11 April 20059Riitta Pipatti Procedural arrangements Statistics Finland overall responsibility: administration and coordination approves the inventory (reporting for the establishment of the Assigned Amount to be approved by the Government) calculates emissions in the energy and industrial processes sectors (excluding F-gases) participates in development of methodologies QA/QC plan communication with EU and UNFCCC (submissions, reviews) coordinate participation in reviews publishes (webpages) and archives results (some material like models archived at the institutes)
11 April Riitta Pipatti Procedural Arrangements Advisory Board participants: ministries and participating institutes changes in the national system longer term research (planning, funding) international collaboration (IPCC, UNFCCC reviews, EU, etc.)
11 April Riitta Pipatti Procedural Arrangements GHG Inventory working group participation from all institutes participating in the inventory preparation (also ”long-term consultants”) annual inventory planning (schedule, improvements and recalculations, development needs) inventory prepartion QA/QC, Verification objectives, procedures, assessment
11 April Riitta Pipatti Procedural Arrangements Agreements with Ministries specification of responsibilities; assure funding for participating agencies and activity data collection, etc.
11 April Riitta Pipatti Finland’s National System