EQUALITY - PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN RIGHTS Prepared by: Kauno Milikonių secondary school ethics teacher-expert Polina Žemaitienė
We are different!
EQUALITY - PRINCIPLE OF HUMAN RIGHTS Human rights – commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being . They are universal, based on principles of equality.
The history of Human Rights reaches the oldest times: ancient Greece, humanistic ideas of Rome, ethics of Judaism and Christianity. One of the first ones to talk about human rights were stoics, who claimed that all the people are equal and free.
Definition of Equality and Equal rights • Equality of Human beings is one of the main principles that is defined in international and national documents. • Main declarations of Human rights: • 1789 in France Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, which consolidates basic Human Rights – freedom, equality, and other rights.
1948 12 10 United Nations General Assembly adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which divided Human Rights into these categories: Civil, Political, Economical, Social and Cultural Rights.
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Equality – one of six basic Human Rights: Equality before the law Non-discrimination Cultural, religious and linguistic diversity Equality between men and women The rights of the child
• Human Rights - is one of the most important institutes of Constitutional Rights. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania (1992) corresponds with documents of United Nations and Council of Europe and supports international demands of Human Rights.
Seek for Equality, not sameness. Ensure equal opportunities in science, communication, perfection of personality. Every person is valuable because of his individuality.
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