NYSHOEA Fall Conference Consistency in the Workplace Terry McSweeney NYSUT Research and Educational Services October 24, 2014
Building a Safe School Environment A safe school environment needs to encompass the entire school community Everyone at school needs to work together to create a safe school climate.
All faculty and staff should serve as positive role models for the school community. All staff need to work toward this common goal.
Creating a positive school environment means establishing and promoting a culture of inclusion and respect that welcomes everyone.
Commissioner’s Regulations Participation of parents and teachers in school-based planning and shared decision-making Each public school district board of education and each board of cooperative educational services (BOCES) shall develop and adopt a district plan for the participation by teachers and parents with administrators and school board members in school-based planning and shared decision-making.
The plan for participation in school-based planning and shared decision-making shall specify: 1. the educational issues which will be subject to cooperative planning and shared decision-making at the building level by teachers, parents, administrators, and, at the discretion of the board of education or BOCES, other parties such as students, school district support staff, and community members; 2. the manner and extent of the expected involvement of all parties; 3. the means and standards by which all parties shall evaluate improvement in student achievement; 4. the means by which all parties will be held accountable for the decisions which they share in making; 5. the process whereby disputes presented by the participating parties about the educational issues being decided upon will be resolved at the local level; and 6. the manner in which all State and Federal requirements for the involvement of parents in planning and decision-making will be coordinated with and met by the overall plan.
Code of Conduct The code will govern the conduct of students, teachers and other school personnel, as well as visitors. The code must also provide for its enforcement. Code of conduct developed in collaboration with student, teacher, administrator and parent organizations, school safety and other personnel. Should be reviewed and annually updated as needed.
Restorative Practices Restorative Justice Peer Juries Peer Mediation Community Conferencing Informal Restorative Practices Preventative and Post-Conflict Resolution Programs Social-Emotional Learning Community Service Shared Responsibility Toolkit:
Healthy Workplace Bill Since 2006, New York has introduced more versions of the Healthy Workplace Bill than any other state NYSUT supports this bill Workplace Bullying is repeated, health-harming mistreatment of one or more persons (the targets) by one or more perpetrators that takes one or more of the following forms: ◦ Verbal abuse ◦ Offensive conduct/behaviors (including nonverbal) which are threatening, humiliating or intimidating ◦ Work interference – sabotage – which prevents work from getting done
Suggested Strategies Involve your local union Involve Healthcare partners Be consistent in expectations and discipline ◦ Administrators and educators should set clear, consistent goals at the beginning of the year and share with students Try to build rapport with students Establish Student Leadership Programs (i.e. Skills USA) Reach out to parents and guardians ◦ Try positive phone calls or communication with parents Confront issues head-on Always have a plan in mind for handling misbehavior ◦ When every other element is out of your control, you can still manage your reaction ◦ Try not to take student behavior personally
Student Responsibilities (suggestions) Complete and return all required forms Follow safety procedures Show honesty, punctuality, a cooperative attitude, proper grooming, and a willingness to learn Meet all workplace rules and expectations Complete all workplace and related training requirements Dress appropriately for the work site including all appropriate safety clothing and equipment
Thank you for your participation! 12