Employment and Higher Education Opportunities for School Leavers Info: Ministry of Education
Unemployment Gender distribution Working age population - 205,330 Info: Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sports
Unemployment Distribution by age group and gender Working age population - 205,330 Info: Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sports
Number of expatriate workers in the Maldives by year Info: Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sports
Expatriate distribution by occupation Info: Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sports
Training Areas
Employability Skills Programme components and implementation proposal Design/develop/upgrade competency standards (CS), curriculum, learning materials, assessment resources Employment Based Training (EBT) as apprenticeship programmes 3525 students Institutional Based Training (IBT) with internships 3870 students Overseas Training 1100 students
(ii) Capacity building of Training Providers and Institutions Provide assistance and support to deliver training Support skills upgrading/certification of industry specialists Support up skilling and upgrading of trainers Training of trainers and assessors Component 1: TRAINING (i)Promote public perception of skills training and employment Awareness campaign targeting unemployed youth, parents and school leavers. Information on training and employment opportunities, and work ethics (i) Promote the attitude of employers to local employees Promote local employees to employers by creating a platform where employers can meet potential employees Component 2: PUBLIC AWARENESS AND PROMOTION OF SKILLS TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. Develop and conduct workplace exposure programmes and job shadowing programmes (i) Conduct Career Guidance, job matching and job placement services Component 3: CAREER GUIDENCE, JOB MATCHING AND JOB PLACEMENT Develop/Upgrade career guidance materials Strengthen National Career Guidance Centre (NCGC) Provide career counselling, job matching and job placement through Job Centres, Youth Centres and Training Institutions (i) Monitor employment status/progress of trainees upon completion of training Create and update a register of trained workers Conduct monitoring visits to sites Conduct tracer studies post evaluation (i) Support the implementation of Minimum Wage Component 4: LABOUR REGULATION AND ENFORCEMENT CAPACITY BUILDING. Technical support to establish frameworks and monitoring mechanisms Promote the benefits of introducing minimum wage to workers and employers Public awareness on minimum wage (ii) Establish a workforce training fund Technical support on establishing and operating a workforce training fund (iii) Improve the quality of work environment and other provisions given to workers. Set up policies to improve working conditions of expatriate workers Promote provision of minimum standards of accommodation, paid leaves and food allowances for expatriates Strengthen enforcement capacity of MHRYS