2 nd 9 Weeks Test Review
Spanish American War 1898 is the year that the Spanish American War began. Theodore Roosevelt believed that it was Spain who blew up the USS Maine, which is why the US entered the war. An economic effect of the war was the increased industrial and farm output.
The Spanish American War began in 1898 because the battleship USS Maine exploded. Theodore Roosevelt left his Naval Secretary job to create the Rough Riders who went to go fight in Cuba. After the war ended Cuba gained its independence from Spain. The United States gained the territories of Guam & Puerto Rico.
Assisted in moving the U.S. into the position of World power by insisting on having a strong and dominant Navy.
Glenn Curtiss had the first spectated flight and invented the hydroplane. Charles Lindberg made the first solo flight across the Atlantic ocean. Both gentleman were considered pioneers in aviation.
Promised the Americans that they would not target passenger ships with u-boats during WWI Merchant ships would not be sunk unless weapons are spotted on board.
The Great Migration was when many African Americans traveled from the South (rural) to the North (urban) to try escape discrimination laws that existed in the south. Marcus Garvey was the founder of the UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) which encouraged African Americans to go back to their homeland of Africa.
Brought about a new sense of confidence and pride to African Americans. It influenced the Civil Rights Movement
He was an author & poet His writing helped influence the Harlem Renaissance.
Creationist (William Jennings Bryan) v. Evolutionist (Clarence Darrow) John Scopes a biology teacher got placed on trial for teaching the theory of evolution because it went against the religious teachings of creationism that the state of Tennessee wanted schools to teach.
The Great Depression The beginning of the Great Depression was when the stock market crashed in New York. During the Great Depression it was a hard ECONOMIC time period for all Americans. The unemployment rate increased during this time period.
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck was written as a depiction of what life was like during the Great Depression.
The New Deal FDR tried to get the people to trust the government again by promoting and creating a lot of new government agencies (emergency economic relief) that helped people get jobs. FDR tried to reorganize the Supreme Court by attempting to add more judges.