Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Prospects for Quarkonia Physics In Media at the LHC.


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Presentation transcript:

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Prospects for Quarkonia Physics In Media at the LHC

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Outline Ultra High Energy Nuclear Physics Why are Quarkonia Important ? Experiments, Coverage, Rates Summary and Outlook c J/J/

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Ultra High Energy Nuclear Physics Temperature or Density Attempt to reproduce the state of nuclear matter a few μs after the Big Bang Long range confining potential is screened Spontaneously broken approximate SU(2) flavor symmetry is restored

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 The Importance Of Quarkonia hep-ph/

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Time Zones precursorcolor singlet quarkonia pre-resonance absorbtion pre-equilibrum effects color screening, thermal production break up by co-moving hadrons c J/J/ quarkonia local time medium local time

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 AA Cross Sections For Quarkonia Spectators Participants A 1/3 (dN/dy) AA = N binary (dN/dy) pp N binary ~ A 4/3  geo ~ A 2/3  AA = A 2  pp B r  inc A 2 (  b) J/   879  304  78.8  44.4 Pb + Pb  s = 5.5 TeV L = 5 x cm -2 s -1 From a one month run with a 40% duty cycle L int = 0.5 nb -1 N J/  μμ = 2.54 x 10 7 N   μμ = 1.52 x 10 5

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Experimental Coverage & Rates Pythia tuned to NLO extrapolated to LHC * *Draft Yellow Paper ”Hard Probes In Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC: Heavy Flavor Physics” Simple , p t cuts for detector apperture.

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 ALICE J/  μ + μ -, J/  e + e -  μ + μ -,   e + e - Forward Muon Spectrometer Central detectors are capable of electron pion discrimination (p t >1 GeV) and triggering (p t >3 GeV)

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 ALICE J/  +  - central e + e - |  | < 0.9 p t > 3.0 GeV N geo =2.1x10 4

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 ALICE J/  e + e - forward  +  <  < 4.0 p > 4.0 GeV N geo =8x10 5 Low p t coverage

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 CMS |  | < 1.4 (barrel) |  | < 2.4 (end cap) p t > 3.0 GeV |  | < 1.4, p tot > 4.0 GeV 1.4<|  |< 2.4 Measure J/  μ+μ-,   μ+μ- Inner Silicon Tracker 2-4% occupancy in the pixels layers 18% in the outer 5 Si strip detectors (dN/d  ~ 8000) EMCAL is 1.3m from the interaction point, >99% of the background form decay muons is rejected

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 ATLAS Measure J/  μ+μ-,   μ+μ- Inner Silicon Tracker <1% occupancy in the inner 3 pixel layers, 6-15% occupancy in the outer 4 Si strip layers (dN/d  ~ 8000) Independent momentum measurement in muon spectrometer. Need inner tracker matching for resolution on the  states. |  | < 1.0 (barrel), |  | < 2.5 (endcap) p t > 3.0 GeV (barrel) ATLAS

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Rate Summary ALICE e + e - ALICE μ + μ - CMSATLAS J/  2.1x x x x10 4  1.4x x x x10 4 Lint = 0.5 nb -1 J/  yields are sensitively dependent on low momentum threshold. Trigger efficiency is an issue for CMS & ATLAS Plenty of signal to study the suppression pattern of J/  and  at the LHC

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Saturation Physics The ratio of the EKS98 corrected nuclear gluon distribution to CTEQ5L overlapping color sources lead to the saturation of the gluon phase space in the initial state nuclear wavefunction

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 x coverage Coverage over 5 decades in x for which nuclear effects in the gluon density are expected to manifest The ratio of the EKS98 corrected nuclear gluon distribution to CTEQ5L

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Chasing The Can we measure  c cc

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 c0c0  c1 c2c2 Outlook Can we measure  c  /  vs p t is very interesting

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03  From cc Same binding energy c J/J/ Quarkonia local time gets dilated as a function of p t. This make the ratios of directly produced quarkonia a probe of the plasma lifetime

Sean Kelly, QWG 9/03 Summary Measurements are underway at RHIC of the J/  suppression pattern LHC will extend the study of in media quarkonia to the upsilon family of resonances Saturation physics and nuclear modifications to the gluon pdf studied down to x ~ Potential to reconstruct the  states and study the time evolution of the medium.