D OES Y OUR C AMPUS N EED A S ECOND L IFE ? Ana Gonzalez - Director of Instructional Technology Terence Peak - Training Coordinator Phil Youngblood - Assistant Professor CIS University of the Incarnate Word San Antonio, Texas
S EVEN P RINCIPLES OF G OOD P RACTICE - C HICKERING AND G AMSON (1987) 1.Encourage contact between students and faculty 2.Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students 3.Encourage active learning 4.Give prompt feedback 5.Emphasize time on task 6.Communicate high expectations 7.Respect diverse talents and ways of learning.
#1: C ONTACT Encourages contact between students and faculty Factor in keeping students motivated and involved Augments face-to-face contact
C ONTACT O PPORTUNITIES Learner & instructor: same world Faculty /Student contact in-world (SL) Faculty /Student contact in real world (RL) Learner & instructor: different worlds Students face screen, receive instruction in SL, Communicate through IM, Voice Instructor should always focus student’s attention Leadership determines communication Focus attention in both environments
#2: R ECIPROCITY & C OOPERATION Develops reciprocity & cooperation among students Collaborative/social vs. competitive/isolated Facilitation of group study, discussions, & problem solving
C OOPERATION O PPORTUNITIES Residents learn to be a class Experienced users assist novices Teach each other skills Share scripts Explain SL etiquette Behavior adjusts according to environment Learn and adhere to community standards
#3: A CTIVE L EARNING Uses active learning techniques Students can… Talk & write about it Relate it to the past Apply it to the present
A CTIVE L EARNING O PPORTUNITIES Synchronous /Asynchronous Instructors available to scaffold Residents progress from Newbie to complex scripting
#4: P ROMPT F EEDBACK Gives prompt feedback Critical observation Assessment of knowledge & competence Frequent assessment
F EEDBACK O PPORTUNITIES Sources of feedback Instructor and student in SL Instructor and student in RL Instructor in RL, student in-world Student to student (RL or SL) Blog community experience
#5: T IME ON T ASK Emphasizes time on task Allow proper amount of time to complete tasks Set time limits to complete tasks
T IME ON T ASK O PPORTUNITIES Specific time requirements for completing tasks Syllabus outlines RL & SL allotment Focus on RL & SL accomplishments Time Zones
#6: H IGH E XPECTATIONS Communicates high expectations A self-fulfilling prophecy; students respond to what is asked of them.
E XPECTATIONS O PPORTUNITIES Communicates high expectations Syllabus outlines expectations for Communication Student output Focus on SL Community Standards Expectation that SL abilities will develop Grading standards 30% RL 70% in SL
#7: D IVERSITY Respects diverse talents and learning styles Different students = different talents & styles Diversity in race, color, religion, income Diversity also relates to the quality of a student’s educational foundation
D IVERSITY O PPORTUNITIES 7 Newbie, 4 veteran users Digital immigrants & natives Ethnically diverse Variety of Avatars Learning styles skew Visual and Sequential Source: Richard M. Felder& Barbara A. Soloman North Carolina State University
R ESOURCES FOR F URTHER S TUDY Chickering and Gamson. “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.” The American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, March, DevCom/guidebk/teachtip/7princip.htm DevCom/guidebk/teachtip/7princip.htm DevCom/guidebk/teachtip/7princip.htm Chickering and Ehrmann. “Implementing the Seven Principles: Technology as Lever.” The TLT Group: Teaching, Learning, and Technology. (Originally published in AAHE Bulletin, October, 1996, pp. 3-6).
R ESOURCES FOR F URTHER S TUDY Chickering & Gamson. “Development and Adaptations of the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 80, Winter ces/evaluating_teaching/pdf- bin/Development%20and%20Adaptations%20of%2 0the%20Seven%20Principles%20for%20Good%20 Practice%20in%20Undergraduate%20Education.pd f ces/evaluating_teaching/pdf- bin/Development%20and%20Adaptations%20of%2 0the%20Seven%20Principles%20for%20Good%20 Practice%20in%20Undergraduate%20Education.pd f ces/evaluating_teaching/pdf- bin/Development%20and%20Adaptations%20of%2 0the%20Seven%20Principles%20for%20Good%20 Practice%20in%20Undergraduate%20Education.pd f
R ESOURCES Proceedings of the Second Life Education Workshop, August 24,-26 th, 2007 : Proceedings of the Second Life Education Workshop, August 20, 2006: J:secondlife.com/businesseducation/education/slcc proceedings.pdf+second+life+educational+workshop&hl =en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us J:secondlife.com/businesseducation/education/slcc proceedings.pdf+second+life+educational+workshop&hl =en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us J:secondlife.com/businesseducation/education/slcc proceedings.pdf+second+life+educational+workshop&hl =en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us SLED Second Life Educators Forum:
R ESOURCES Second Life Education Wiki: fe_Education_Wiki fe_Education_Wiki fe_Education_Wiki Getting Started in SL: Map of the SL Campus world: Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire Barbara A. Soloman & Richard M. Felder; North Carolina State University
Q UESTIONS ?? Ana Gonzalez UIW Director of Instructional Technology 210/ Terence Peak Coordinator of Technology Training 210/ THANK YOU