Monday, April 15 1.Get out your spiral 2. Update table of contents DateTitleEntry # 04/05Reformers worksheet38 04/09Causes of the Civil War Movie39 04/09Causes of the Civil War worksheet40 3. Get out your “the Civil War” map and questions ***Reminder*** STAAR Flashcards are due next Friday!!!
1 st Missing Jackson Hero/Wanted Poster Ulises Thomas Emily
What do I do today? 1.Finish Civil War map – this is 50 points of your test 2.Turn in Civil War map and questions/answers 3.Pick up part 2 of your test. Answer each question with as much information as you can. You can use your book, notes, or internet. Make sure you write your answers in your own words. Include causes, effects, and people in your answers.
Monday, April 15 1.Get out your spiral 2. Update table of contents DateTitleEntry # 04/04Democracy and Reform movie36 04/05Causes of Civil War worksheet37 04/05Free States/Slave States Map38 3. Get out your “the Civil War” map and questions ***Reminder*** STAAR Flashcards are due next Friday!!!
Learning Recovery Thursday, April 19 Trail of Tears Map (Monday) Jackson Poster - Thursday (Test Grade) Jamesxx Joshx Tolisix Carlosx Joeanax Elizabeth S.x
What do I do today? 1.Finish Civil War map – this is 50 points of your test 2.Turn in Civil War map and questions/answers 3.Pick up part 2 of your test. Answer each question with as much information as you can. You can use your book, notes, or internet. Make sure you write your answers in your own words. Include causes, effects, and people in your answers.
Monday, April 15 1.Get out your spiral 2. Update table of contents DateTitleEntry # 04/05Reformers worksheet38 04/09Causes of the Civil War Movie39 04/09Causes of the Civil War worksheet40 3. Get out your “the Civil War” map and questions if you got them on Friday ***Reminder*** STAAR Flashcards are due next Friday!!!
4th Missing Jackson Hero/Wanted Poster Moises D. C.J. Patrick
5th Missing Jackson Hero/Wanted Poster Mikayla Alison
7th Missing Jackson Hero/Wanted Poster Justin Sonia Noah Anthony Joseph Brad
What do I do today? 1.Finish Civil War map – this is 50 points of your test 2.Turn in Civil War map and questions/answers 3.Pick up part 2 of your test. Answer each question with as much information as you can. You can use your book, notes, or internet. Make sure you write your answers in your own words. Include causes, effects, and people in your answers.
8th Missing Jackson Hero/Wanted Poster
Wednesday, April 10 1.Get out your spiral 2. Update table of contents DateTitleEntry # 04/04Democracy and Reform movie36 04/05Causes of Civil War worksheet37 04/05Free States/Slave States Map38 3. Get out your Pink sheet from yesterday
Learning Recovery Monday, April 15 Trail of Tears Map (Monday) Jackson Poster - Thursday (Test Grade) Jamesxx Joshx Tolisix Elizabeth M.x TobyX Carlosx Joeanax Elizabeth S.x
V. Major Battles A. 1st Battle of Bull Run (VA) July 21, battle-of-bull-run#first-battle-of-bull-run
V. Major Battles A. 1st Battle of Bull Run (VA) July 21, Confederates surged on the Union soldiers. 2. The Union retreats to Washington D.C. 3. Confederates win! 5,000 men died the battle that made the war become real to many
B. Virginia”S vs. “Monitor”N 1. March 8 & 9, ironclad ships 3. Ended in a tie major significance of the battle is that it was the first meeting in combat of ironclad warships.ironclad warships 268 killed
Battle of Shiloh shiloh#the-battle-of-shiloh shiloh#the-battle-of-shiloh
C. The Battle of Shiloh April 6 &7, 1862 (MS) 1. Confederates surprise attack on Union. 2. Union receives reinforcements & wins ,000 Yankees dead; 11,000 Rebels dead leaders began to realize that the Civil War would not quickly end.
D. 2nd Battle of Bull Run August 29, Gen. Lee (S) defeats Gen. Pope (N). antietam#the-battle-of-antietam
E. Battle of Antietam Sept. 17, 1862 (MD) 1. Gen. McClellan (N) finds rebel plans on accident, but takes too long to attack. 2. Gen. Lee (S) retreats to VA. North win! 3. Bloodiest 1 day battle ever in history. 23,100 casualties. forced the Confederate Army to retreat back across the Potomac River. President Lincoln saw the significance of this and issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862.Emancipation Proclamation
F. Battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 (PA) 1. North and South attacked each other several times. 2. On July 3rd, Confederate Gen. Pickett attacked the Union at Cemetery Ridge. 3. They were an easy shot for the Union soldiers. 4. The Union wins!
G. Battle of Vicksburg (MS) 1. Union forces try to capture Vicksburg to gain control of Miss. River. It fails! 2. Grant has a new plan! 3. He starves the city from May 18 to July 4, Confederates surrender! 5. Gettysburg and Vicksburg mark the turning point for the North.
VI. Freedom! A. On January 1, 1863, Lincoln signed the “Emancipation Proclamation.” B. It said “…all persons held as slaves within any state…in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” C. Its Impact: 1. Civil War became a fight for freedom. 2. Britain and France sided with the Union. 3. African-Americans reinforced the Union armies. (54th Mass. Regiment) 4. 13th Amendment was passed and ratified by Congress in It abolished slavery.