2011 Mental Health Screening Event Monday, October 17 Sources: NAMI, Discovery Health and Interviews
Brian Wilson
Brittany Spears
Brooke Shields
Buzz Aldrin
Carrie Fisher
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Charles Dickens
David Beckham
Drew Barrymore
Emma Thompson
Ernest Hemingway
Halle Berry
Isaac Newton
Jane Pauley
Jim Carrey
Herschel Walker
Jimmy Piersall
Kurt Cobain
Leo Tolstoy
Lionel Aldredge
Maurice Benard
Michael Phelps
Mike Wallace
Patty Duke
Paula Abdul
President Abraham Lincoln
Robin Williams
Sheryl Crow
Sylvia Plath author, poet “Colossus”, “The Bell Jar”
Tennessee Williams
Terry Bradshaw
Tipper Gore
Vincent van Gogh
Virginia Woolf played by Nicole Kidman
Winston Churchill
Princess Diana Bulimia, Borderline Personality Disorder
Shawn Colvin Major Depressive Disorder
John Nash played by Russell Crow Schizophrenia Inspiration for the movie “A Beautiful Mind”
Whoopi Goldberg ADHD, Dyslexia
Linda Hamilton “Terminator” movies Bi-polar disorder
Ben Stiller “Meet the Parents” Bi-polar disorder