Agriculture Introduction and History
V OCABULARY Farmer – one who operates a farm, or is in the business of farming Rancher – one who owns, occupies, operates, or works on a ranch (mainly livestock) Commodity – an agricultural product that can be bought or sold Crop – any product of the soil (not wild)
T HE M ODERN A GRICULTURE I NDUSTRY Agriculture is the growing of crops and raising of animals to meet the needs of people. However, it is not limited to just farming. It also includes areas like soil conservation, controlling pests, and machinery usage.
M AJOR DEVELOPMENTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE AGRICULTURE INDUSTRY II. The modern agriculture industry developed over a long period of time. It was shaped by important groups of people and policies.
C. Agricultural policy are government laws that deal with agriculture. Several important policies have shaped the modern agriculture industry. 1. In 1825, the U.S. Congress established a committee on agriculture. 2. The U.S. Patent Office began agricultural research in 1852.
3. Under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln, three major acts were passed in a. The agency which later became the United States Department of Agriculture was established. b. The Homestead Act allowed citizens to acquire land for virtually nothing. It encouraged settlement of the West. c. The Morrill Act established a system of land- grant schools to teach agriculture and related areas.
B ENEFITS OF A GRICULTURE IN THE U NITED S TATES III. The agriculture industry provides many benefits to the citizens of the United States. Five important benefits that result from agriculture industry are…
B ENEFITS OF A GRICULTURE 1. The basic human needs for food, clothing, and shelter are met. People who have their basic needs met are happier and feel better about their country and themselves.
B ENEFITS OF A GRICULTURE 2. A good agriculture industry leads to a strong and stable country. 3. Jobs are created by the agriculture industry. About 21 million people are employed in the agriculture industry. This is 20% of the entire American workforce.
B ENEFITS OF A GRICULTURE 4. The agriculture industry provides the United States with products to trade with other countries. This allows our country to keep our foreign trade in balance. 5. The agriculture industry supports other industries. Agricultural products and services are used in making non- agricultural products. This creates jobs in other sectors of the economy.
Americans spend 11% of their total income on food People spend 70% in some other countries Agriculture allows Americans to spend more money on clothing, shelter, and entertainment Q UALITY OF L IFE
W HAT R OLE D OES A GRICULTURE P LAY I N B ASIC H UMAN N UTRITION ? Today, one American farmer feeds over 155 people Consumers have a year-round, wide variety of inexpensive, quality foods to choose from We don’t always make nutritious choices
What is the Ag Industry Involves all activities involved with providing people with food, clothing, and shelter. Includes farm operations, and non-farm operations. Largest industry in America
W HAT A G P RODUCTS P ROVIDE F OOD ? Grains Fruits Vegetables Milk Meat Nuts
F ORESTRY Forestry involves planting, caring for, and harvesting trees There are about 736 million acres of forest land in the United States Products like plywood, particle board, veneer, and paper are used for shelter
W HAT IS T ECHNOLOGY ? Technology is the application of knowledge to practical use Uses inventions (new devices, products, or ways of doing work) for easier work and better living
A G. T ECHNOLOGY IN THE 18 TH C ENTURY Oxen and Horses used for power Crude wooden plows Sowing and cultivating by hand Harvested grain with sickle Threshing grain with flail
A GRICULTURE N OW - 20 TH C ENTURY A DVANCEMENTS Improved varieties of crop seeds Development of chemicals to control weeds, insects and other pests Genetic engineering implemented to improve crops and livestock Widespread application of computers
R EGIONS OF CA Region – a part of the earth’s surface that is an area that has definable characteristics
T OP CA C OMMODITIES Milk and Cream Almonds Grapes Cattle and Calves Nursery 5 p