February 12, 2011 The Peacemakers by George Healy
Project from the National Archives 3,000 primary source documents Seven online activities designed to reinforce historical thinking skills Documents categorized into eight historical periods, 1754 to present Save or publish your own activities or use those already created by others and shared You have to be registered to create activities but not to use the ones already there Section on “How to Teach with Primary Source Documents”
Browse/search by historical era: (Civil War/Reconstruction) Browse/search by historical thinking skill: (chronological thinking) Browse/search by tool: (Mapping History)
American Presidents Thomas Jefferson John F. Kennedy’s Assassination
Combines Google Search with YouTube and images Goal: “… to deliver information in a format that's quintessentially human -- via storytelling instead of search…” Can embed in projects such as blogs, wikis, etc. Currently about 2 million reference terms available Improve this qwiki feature Featured qwikis and “Rate this qwiki”
Web-based lessons and activities in core subject areas Inquiry-based approach with focus to develop higher order thinking skills To help teachers employ a blended learning model
Interactivity: Lincoln and the Civil War Lesson: Battles of the Civil War Document Analysis: John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry Document Analysis: John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry
Parodies of popular songs Uses karaoke versions of music Students or teachers write lyrics from historical research Produce movie, slide show, digital story, do performance, etc.